Regulation of Mondo Internazionale

Main offices

Article 1


1. On 1 December, every two years from December 2019, the outgoing President or, in his place, the Vice-President convenes the Steering Committee for the renewal of offices. At this meeting, the Steering Committee elects from among its members the President and, on their proposal, the Vice-President. The President may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties.

2. The President must carry out activities of representation and maintain the national and international relations of Mondo Internazionale with public and private bodies, institutions, international organizations, supporters of the Association and volunteers.

3. The President must have leadership skills, i.e. the ability to identify the most important problems and to guide the Steering Committee with objectivity and balance, favouring the contribution of all the Directors as well as assisting the Steering Committee in decisions of an urgent nature.

4. The President must:

a. Ensure the good functioning of the Steering Committee and represent its positions within the Association and outside it;

b. Ensure compliance with the law and internal rules;

c. Outline the agenda of the General Assembly;

d. Represent but not replace the Management Committee in dictating objectives or placing constraints on staff, except in cases of urgency as per art. 1 paragraph 7;

e. Delegating their functions, if necessary, while continuing to be responsible for them;

f. Negotiate and enter into agreements on behalf of the Management Committee according to the guidelines indicated by the latter;
g. Represent the Association in legal proceedings;

h. Coordinate the activities of the associative bodies as established by the Steering Committee;

i. Protect the image and credibility of Mondo Internazionale;

j. Open bank and postal current accounts, agree and define credit lines with financial institutions;

k. Move funds and sums of money in the name of the Association Mondo Internazionale with credit institutions for an amount not exceeding 10,000 euros; for the movement of funds with an amount equal to or greater than 10,001 euros, it is necessary that authorization is granted by the Board of Directors with a specific resolution by the same;

l. Carry out all operations relating to safe-deposit boxes set up or to be set up at credit institutions.

5. At the end of his term of office, the Chairman remains in office for ordinary administration until the final balance sheet and statement of accounts for the financial year just ended are approved and/or the Steering Committee elects a successor.

6. A civil liability policy must be taken out for the President covering the risks inherent in his role as representative of the Association, as soon as the Association's financial resources permit.

7. The President, in case of absolute urgency for the respect of the regulations in force, adopts all the necessary measures, replacing the Steering Committee for a limited time. The President has 30 days to provide a report of what has happened to the Steering Committee and to put the decisions to the same one that must deliberate to qualified majority on the work of the President. If the regulations in force have been unequivocally violated by a member of the Steering Committee, the latter must be immediately excluded from all Associative and Committee activities while waiting for the Steering Committee to decide on the measures to be taken by consulting the Assembly of the Members. The President has the task of presenting a written report informing each member of the Board of Directors individually of what has happened, within 3 days of the member's exclusion.

8. The President, as the legal representative of the Association, must have access at any time to all documents; software, computer and non computer programs in super-admin mode; bank account; safe-deposit boxes; the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and any movable and immovable property of the Association.

9. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "President of Mondo Internazionale".

10. The President assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 2a


1. The appointment of Vice - Honorary President of the Mondo Internazionale is conferred to illustrious personalities, of Italian, European and non-European nationality, who are considered to represent and support the activities and interest of the Association on the national and international scene. The Vice - Honorary President may be delegated representative functions to institutions, public and private bodies, subject to the approval of the Steering Committee of Mondo Internazionale, which decides by qualified majority of its members.

2. The nomination of Vice - Honorary President of Mondo Internazionale is conferred by the President of the same one previa approval of the qualified majority of the Directive Committee.

3. The Vice - Honorary President of the Association Mondo Internazionale enjoys all the rights and duties of the Honorary Associates, as per article of the Statute of Mondo Internazionale. The Vice - Honorary President does not enjoy the right to vote within the Presidency and the Steering Committee of the Association itself in accordance with the Statute of Mondo Internazionale. The Vice - Honorary President can take part in the meetings of the Steering Committee, with exclusively consultative function, upon invitation and/or authorization of the Presidency.

4. The Vice - Honorary President of Mondo Internazionale may represent the Association at public or private events if the President or the Vice - President is unable to do so or by proxy of the President of the same.

5. The Vice - Honorary President must take care of the image of Mondo Internazionale wherever he represents or discusses it privately and publicly, respecting the values and principles set forth in the Statute, the Regulations and the Code of Ethics of the same.

6. All information that the Vice - Honorary President deals with regarding Mondo Internazionale and its organization of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential.

7. In the international context in which the division operates is identified as "Honorary Vice - President of Mondo Internazionale".

8. The Vice - Honorary President assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or default in carrying out his duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them. He shall be liable civilly and criminally if the damage caused provides for the possibility of recourse to legal action against him.



Article 2


1. The Vice-President shall fully replace the President, in accordance with Article 1 of these Regulations, when the latter is absent or unable to perform his duties. The Vice-President may resign at any time by informing the President in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Vice-President, in substitution of the President or with delegation of the President, must carry out activities of representation and maintain national and international relations of Mondo Internazionale with public and private bodies, institutions, international organizations, supporters of the Association and volunteers.

3. The Vice-President must have leadership skills, i.e. the ability to identify the most important problems and to guide the Steering Committee with objectivity and balance, favouring the contribution of all the Councillors, as well as to assist the Steering Committee in decisions of an urgent nature.

4. The Vice-President must:

a. Assist the Chairman as indicated in art. 1 paragraph 4 of these Single Regulations;

b. Verify that the association activities are carried out correctly;
c. Verify the correct actions of the President;

d. Delegating their functions, if necessary, while continuing to be responsible for them;

e. Negotiate and enter into agreements on behalf of the Management Committee, in agreement with the President, according to the guidelines indicated by the latter;

f. Represent the Association in the legal seat with proxy of the President;
g. Coordinate the activities of the associative bodies as established by the Steering Committee;

h. Propose future ideas and strategies to the President to be jointly examined and proposed to the Steering Committee.

5. At the end of his term of office, the Vice-President remains in office for ordinary administration until the final balance sheet and statement of accounts for the financial year just ended are approved and/or the Management Committee does not elect a successor.

6. A civil liability policy must be taken out for the Vice-President covering the risks inherent in his role as representative of the Association, as soon as the Association's financial resources permit.

7. The Vice-Chairman, in case of absolute urgency to comply with the regulations in force, shall take all necessary measures, replacing the Chairman as indicated in art. 1 paragraph 6 of these Regulations.

8. The Vice-President, as substitute of the legal representative of the Association, must have access at any time to all documents; software, computer programs and non computer programs in super-admin mode; bank account; safe-deposit boxes; the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association and any movable and immovable property of the Association.

9. In the international context in which the Association operates is identified as "Vice-President of Mondo Internazionale".

10. The Vice-President assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.


Articolo 2b


1. Mondo Internazionale’s Policy Advisory team is in charge of supporting the Presidency and the Steering Committee of the Association in the definition and achievement of the interests towards stakeholders and institutions in the public and private sector.

2. The Policy Advisory team is made of one or more members who are qualified as Policy Advisor of Mondo Internazionale; the team is supervised and coordinated by the Presidency and by the Steering Committee of the Association.

3. The Policy Advisor is appointed by the Management Committee by qualified majority on the proposal of the Presidency. The term of office lasts two years and is tacitly renewable. The Policy Advisor may resign at any time by informing the Management Committee in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Management Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the appointment of Policy Advisor by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect from 3 days after the communication.

4. The Policy Advisor has the task of providing non-binding opinions and recommendations to the Presidency and the Steering Committee on the relations, interests and communication strategies that are woven and developed towards bodies, stakeholders and partners of the Association. The opinions and recommendations of the Policy Advisor are requested by the Chairmanship or the Board of Directors of the Association whenever they are deemed necessary to support internal decision-making processes. The Policy Advisor's intervention is requested by written communication from the President, who formally delegates, on behalf of the Association, the Policy Advisor to carry out research and investigation on a specific topic or activity.

5. The Policy Advisor, upon receipt of written communication from the President, may use all resources, tools and contact details officially provided by the Association for the performance of its duties. Any action or activity carried out by the Policy Advisor outside the official channels of the Association and not provided for by the guidelines provided by the President or the Board of Directors is considered extraneous to the personality and work of Mondo Internazionale; consequently, such action or activity cannot be imputed to the Association nor can its direct or indirect responsibility be recognized.

6. The activities envisaged for the Policy Advisor are:

a. The development of policy recommendations to support the activities of the Association, officially approved by the Board of Directors, which provide for interaction and negotiation with external bodies or partners of strategic importance for the activities themselves;

b. The drafting of opinions, recommendations and notes to support the representative activities carried out by the Presidency, the Director of External Relations, the Head of External Affairs, the Honorary Vice-President and members of the Scientific and Academic Committee and the Development Committee;

c. The search for objective and substantiated sources and arguments in support of the recommendations provided;

d. The research and definition of strategies for the development of the Association within the areas in which it operates; the search for references and contacts with public or private bodies, with which to establish strategic partnerships in support of the Association itself and the national and international expansion of Mondo Internazionale.

7. The Policy Advisor, if deemed necessary by the Presidency, may request, subject to the approval of the Management Committee, access to confidential information. In this case, it is the sole responsibility of the Policy Advisor to protect the information to which it has access from outside or inside the Association. The Steering Committee and the Presidency reserve the right to adopt the measures deemed most suitable and appropriate to prevent access by unauthorized persons to the information granted in consultation with the Policy Advisor. In case the Policy Advisor shows negligence or illegality in the protection of confidential information, the Board of Directors and the Chairman reserve the right to adopt the most appropriate measures for the cessation of the offence and the repair of the damage caused.

8. The Policy Advisor must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, to all documents; to software, computer programs and non-administrated software; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

9. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Policy Advisor of Mondo Internazionale".

10. The Policy Advisor assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform its duties. Likewise, it shall be liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them. Likewise, it shall be civilly and criminally liable for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 3


1. The Secretary General is appointed by a simple majority by the Steering Committee on proposal of the President, every 2 years.

2. The term of office shall be two years and shall be tacitly renewable. The Secretary General may resign at any time by informing the President in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Secretary General by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Secretary General is responsible for the activities of the Secretariat referred to in art. 15 to art. 27 of the present Single Regulations.

4. The Secretary-General shall act with the powers expressly delegated to him by these Regulations. The Secretary General shall:

a. Provide the Steering Committee with scenarios on the future of the Association and strategies for its development;

b. Protect the image and credibility of Mondo Internazionale;

c. Reject donations incompatible with the purposes of association;

d. Avoid purchases or decisions with a conflict of interest;

e. To set compensation and benefits for employees within the usual limits for the professionalism employed and in compliance with current labor regulations, to ensure the safety of the premises in accordance with the rules established by Italian law, jointly consulting the Chairman and Vice-Chairman;

f. To implement the policy decisions formulated by the Steering Committee, in consultation with the President and Vice-President and to answer for the results achieved;

g. To freely choose the most suitable instruments to achieve the objectives together with the members of the Secretariat, subject to specific limitations formulated by the Steering Committee;

h. Propose to the Steering Committee the Annual Plan and the Three-Year Plan as proposed by the Director of Strategic Planning;

i. To inform the President, in his absence the Vice-President, and the Steering Committee in particular on the most relevant events and tendencies, on the opinions that can condition the decisions, on the situations in which the Steering Committee deviates from its own previous guidelines and signals to the President, in his absence to the Vice-President, the topics that it would be opportune, in his opinion, to put on the agenda;

j. Maintain relations with other associations and with all public and private bodies with which it is appropriate to collaborate in order to achieve the objectives set by the Steering Committee, in compliance with the law and confidentiality;

k. Answer for the work of the staff and manage it in compliance with the rules set by the Management Committee and the employment contracts; it must not prevent any employee from contacting the Presidency to report violations of internal regulations;

l. To constitute Commissions with operational tasks in execution of resolutions of the Steering Committee with the consent of the President or in his absence of the Vice-President;

m. The Secretary General must ensure that the President and the Vice-President are aware of the basic issues and procedures of his work, so that he can be temporarily replaced in case of need and must inform the President every 2 weeks of the work done, except in urgent cases;

n. Draw up the appointments necessary for the conferral of offices within the Secretariat, with the consent of the President, or in his absence of the Vice-President;

o. Approve the appointments of the Vice-Directors of the teams of the Secretariat as per articles 16, 17, 21, 24, 27 3 28, on proposal of the Team Directors;

p. Approve the appointments of Project Managers on the proposal of the General Manager and the Editorial Manager as per articles 9, 38, 39, 42, 44 and 45;

q. In close collaboration with the members of the Secretariat, in particular with the Director General and the Editor-in-Chief, and in accordance with what is specified in paragraph 4 of this article, previous paragraph on functions, the Secretary General must:

a. Ensure the proper functioning of the Secretariat's bodies;

b. Coordinate and direct the work towards the objectives decided by the Steering Committee;

c. Represent the Association externally at the request of the President or in his absence of the Vice-President;

d. Participate in international meetings of a strategic nature.

5. The Steering Committee also assigns the following powers to the Secretary General and, on his delegation, to the Director General and the Editor-in-Chief, to be exercised by joint signature with the President, or on his behalf the Vice-President:

a. To make purchases in the course of the associative activities, committing the Association for all the rights and obligations that may derive from them, within the limits of the programs approved by the Steering Committee;

b. To make and withdraw security deposits at ministries, public debt offices, deposit and loan offices, the Finance Department, customs offices, municipalities, regions and any other office, governmental or private body; likewise for normal utilities (telephone, electricity, gas, etc.) and for the supply of goods to third parties;

c. Collect debts of the Association for any amount;

d. Arrange for payments, issue and endorse bank cheques, have money orders issued, make withdrawals from active and overdrawn bank and postal accounts within the limits of available overdraft facilities; discount debt securities;

e. Collect parcels, registered and insured letters from post offices, state railways, transport companies, customs, and lodging appeals and complaints for any reason or cause, claiming any compensation;

f. Buy, sell, exchange or lease: plant, machinery and their accessories, equipment, furniture, computers, vehicles, carrying out, where necessary, practices at public registers and other relevant offices;

g. Rent housing units from third parties, office space, warehouses, warehouses, related to the association activity;

h. Concluding contracts with insurance companies and institutions, signing the relevant policies with the right to carry out any practice relating to the settlement of damages and indemnities;

i. Define the specific skills of employees and external collaborators;

j. Hire, promote, suspend, fire staff;

k. Provide for the payment of the periodic salary payments of the employees, as well as the contributions and related compulsory fulfilments;

l. Implement all accident prevention measures to protect employees and collaborators, adopting all necessary precautions and providing them with the necessary training in order to avoid and prevent any possible generic or specific risk to which they may be exposed;

m. Dealing with assistance and consulting relationships with professionals that have a continuous or occasional duration and that concern legal, administrative, fiscal, technical, promotion, etc. issues to be proposed for signature to the Chairman;

n. Issuing certifications, including tax ones, and checking income tax returns, VAT, payroll statements and attestations regarding personnel for both social security, insurance, mutual insurance, and other public or private bodies, as well as representing the Association before the financial offices, requesting and collecting any reimbursements by representing and consulting the President;

o. Exercise the functions of legal representative, at the request of the President, for tax relations, with powers, among other things, to represent the Association vis-à-vis the financial administration, tax commissions at all levels of jurisdiction, with the power to deal with, discuss, negotiate and sign any application, request and appeal, in the name and on behalf of the Association, with specific power of mandate, to sign tax returns, tax certificates and any other declaration required by the financial administration, those of VAT and those of direct and/or indirect taxes;

p. Adopt all necessary measures to prevent violations of the obligation of privacy with the right to appoint data processors responsible for the processing of personal data;

q. Perform any other act falling within the ordinary administration, according to the programs and within the spending limits approved by the Management Committee.

6. The Secretary General, must have access with authorization of the President, or in his place of the Vice-President, to all documents; to software, computer programs and not computerized in admin mode; to the bank account; to the safe deposit boxes; to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association activities.

7. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as the "Secretary General of Mondo Internazionale".

8. The Secretary General assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 3a


1. The Vice-Secretary General is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General and the President.

2. The term of office shall be two years and shall be tacitly renewable. The Deputy Secretary General may resign at any time by informing the President in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

3. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Deputy Secretary General by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

4. The Vice-Secretary General has the task of supporting the Secretary General in the management of the activities of the Secretariat and in carrying out the tasks indicated in chapter 1 art. 3 paragraph 4 of the Single Regulations.

5. The Secretary General may delegate to the Vice-Secretary General the performance of one or more tasks provided for in chapter 1 art. 3 paragraph 5, in a joint manner with the President or, in his absence, with the Vice-President.

6. The Vice-Secretary General may be granted access to the documentation, computer tools and assets of the Association indicated in chapter 1 art. 3 paragraph 6, subject to joint authorization by the President and the Secretary General.

7. In the international context in which the Association operates is identified as "Deputy Secretary General of Mondo Internazionale".

8. The Secretary General, must have access with the authorization of the President, or in his place of the Vice-President, to all documents; to software, computer programs and not computerized in admin mode; to the bank account; to the safe deposit boxes; to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the carrying out of the associative activities.

9. The Vice-Secretary General assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damage resulting from negligence and/or default in carrying out his duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

10. In any case, the Secretary General has the obligation to supervise the work of the Vice-Secretary General, so that the work of the latter is carried out in compliance with the law, the Statute and the Single Regulations and all the provisions regularly established within the Association.

Article 3b


1. The Coordinator for International Activities of the Mondo Internazionale Association is the figure in charge of coordinating the activities that the Association intends to start with the foreign offices affiliated to Mondo Internazionale and with external international partners. The Coordinator for International Activities operates exclusively on indication and delegation of the Steering Committee of the Association. The Coordinator for International Activities is a consultative member, without the possibility of voting, of the International Committee of the Association and can therefore take part in its periodic meetings, with the possibility of providing non-binding opinions and recommendations regarding the coordination of the activities of the Association in the international sphere. In addition, at the invitation of the Board of Directors, the International Activities Coordinator may participate in meetings held with members of foreign offices affiliated with Mondo Internazionale, with the opportunity to provide guidance on the coordination of activities by individual offices. The International Activities Coordinator may take part, upon invitation by the Association's Board of Directors, in the meetings of the International Activities Coordinator to support the definition of activities abroad.

2. The Coordinator for International Activities is appointed by the Steering Committee of the Association on the proposal of the Presidency. The term of office is 2 years and may be renewed tacitly with the approval of the Steering Committee. The International Activities Coordinator may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of International Activities Coordinator by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "International Coordinator of Mondo Internazionale".

3. The Coordinator for International Activities operates through the exclusive mandate of the Steering Committee to facilitate the coordination of the activities that the Association carries out with foreign offices and partners. The Coordinator for International Activities works in coordination with the Secretary General to provide all the necessary guidelines to the administration teams, as established by the Steering Committee, with regard to the activities they carry out with foreign counterparts. The International Activities Coordinator performs the following functions:

a. It supports the Secretary General, or on his behalf the Vice-Secretary General, in the implementation of the guidelines of the Steering Committee for the internal organization of the activities to be carried out with the foreign offices of Mondo Internazionale and any third parties involved in such activities;

b. Supports, if deemed necessary, the Steering Committee in identifying the objectives envisaged by the activities that the foreign offices affiliated to Mondo Internazionale carry out;

c. It provides, together with the Secretary General, all the necessary indications to the administration teams to coordinate their work with the foreign offices affiliated to the Association;

d. It supervises the work of the administrative and operational teams of the foreign offices with regard to the implementation of the decisions of the International Board of Directors and compliance with the Association's internal and international regulations;

e. It promotes the implementation of innovative and sustainable working methods to ensure cultural and social integration by foreign members with Mondo Internazionale's teams and activities in Italy and abroad;

f. It verifies that the administrative and operational procedures of the members of the foreign offices affiliated to Mondo Internazionale comply with the guidelines established by the Board of Directors and the indications regarding the use of computer systems, digital platforms, logos and multimedia content;

g. It supports the External Relations Managers of the individual geographic areas in the definition of objectives and their implementation within the affiliated offices of Mondo Internazionale in the area;

h. Support the Director of External Relations, or the Deputy Director of External Relations on his behalf, in maintaining relations with foreign offices affiliated with Mondo Internazionale and international partners;

i. It supports the Legal Advisor, or on his behalf the Vice-Consultant, in the definition of the international regulations of the Association; moreover, it supports the Steering Committees of the single foreign offices in the identification of the regulations, according to the local legislation, for the formal establishment of the offices themselves, bearing the mark of Mondo Internazionale, and the start of the planned activities;

j. It replaces, in cases of proven necessity, the Secretary General and the Vice-Secretary General in the management of internal activities necessary for the proper conduct of the international activities of the Association.

4. The Coordinator for International Activities, must have access with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, to all documents; software, computer and non computer programs in admin mode; the bank account; safe-deposit boxes; the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association activities.

5. The Coordinator for International Activities assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties and those under their direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 3c


1. The Co-ordinator for International Activities, with the approval of the Secretary General, may appoint one or more assistant for International Activities.

2. His or her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every two years. The International Activities assistant may resign at any time by informing the International Activities Coordinator in writing 60 days before the effective resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority, it may revoke the position of Assistant for International Activities, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect 3 days after the communication.

3. The Assistant for International Activities has the task of supporting the Coordinator for International Activities, identified in accordance with art. 3b of the Single Rules, in carrying out the tasks provided for in these Rules as specified for the international activities of Mondo Internazionale Association.

4. The International Activities Assistant shall have access, with the authorization of the President, or in his/her stead the Vice-President, and the International Activities Coordinator, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful to the performance of his/her activities in member/manager mode and to the Association's legal/operational headquarters for the performance of the Association's activities.

5. In the international context in which the Association operates it is identified as "Assistant of International Activities of Mondo Internazionale".

6. The Assistant for international activities assumes full responsibility for the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. In addition, he/she is liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful conduct or behaviour in violation of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his/her association functions and outside of them.

Article 4


1. The General Manager is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as " General Manager of Mondo Internazionale". The General Manager may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The General Manager is a mandatory member of the Secretariat. has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of General Manager by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The General Manager must:

a. Directing the Association's staff in Italy and abroad;

b. Managing the work plans and related budgets in Italy and abroad;

c. Managing the activity of the offices and their organization in Italy and abroad;

d. Directing the administrative activity of the Association;

e. Participate in national and international meetings of an operational nature in which it is necessary to plan the activities of the Association;

f. Draw up the plans;

g. Stipulation of agreements limited to individual projects with joint signature by the Secretary General;

h. Make purchases limited to individual projects with the prior approval of the Secretary General;

i. Provide prospects for the evolution of projects already active or the emergence of new projects during the drafting of the Association's annual and three-year plans;

j. Coordinate the opening of new offices in Italy and abroad;

k. Appoint the Team Managers referred to in articles 9, 45, 46, 47, subject to the approval of the Secretary General;

l. Approve the Deputy Project Managers referred to in articles 9 and 10.

4. The General Manager must carry out, subject to delegation by the Secretary General, the activities referred to in art. 3 paragraph 5 of these Single Regulations.

5. The General Manager must have access, with the authorization of the Secretary General, to all personnel documents; to software, computer and non-computer programs in management mode; to the bank account; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

6. The General Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties and those under his direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 5


1. The Editorial Director is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as "Editorial Director of Mondo Internazionale". The Editorial Director may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties.

2. The Editorial Director is a mandatory member of the Secretariat. His or her term of office shall be two years, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority it may revoke the office of Editorial Director by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Editorial Director must:

a. Directing the activities of the Association's Blog in Italy and abroad;

b. Directing the Translation activities of the Association in Italy and abroad;

c. Directing the Association's editorial activities in Italy and abroad;

d. Directing the Association's Draft Revision activities in Italy and abroad;

e. Participate in national and international meetings of a popular nature in which it is necessary to plan the activities of the Association's teams as per articles 38, 39;

f. Stipulation of agreements limited to the individual activities referred to in paragraph 3 letters a-e of Article 5, with joint signature of the Secretary General;

g. Make purchases limited to the individual activities referred to in paragraph 3 letters a-e of Article 5, with the prior authorisation of the Secretary General;

h. Provide perspectives for the evolution of the blog activities, translation and proofreading of the Association;

i. Coordinate the activities referred to in paragraph 3 letters a-e of art. 5 of these Single Regulations following the opening of new offices in Italy and abroad;

j. Appoint the Team Managers referred to in articles 38 and 39 subject to the approval of the Secretary General;

k. Approve the Vice-Chief Officers of the teams referred to in articles 38 and 39.

4. The Editorial Director must carry out, subject to delegation by the Secretary General, the activities referred to in art. 3 paragraph 5 of these Single Regulations.

5. The Editorial Director appoints one to two Deputy Editorial Directors to support him/her in the activities established in paragraph 3 of this article or to replace him/her in case of need. The Deputy Editorial Director is appointed by the Editor after approval by the Secretary General. The Deputy Editorial Directors may resign at any time by informing the Editor in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority, he or she may revoke the office of Deputy Editor by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication. If the Vice-Director replaces the Editorial Director in the performance of the planned activities, he assumes all the responsibilities of the same Director.

6. The Editorial Director must have access, with the authorization of the President, or in his place of the Vice-President, to all the documents of the staff and the individual activities referred to in paragraph 3 letters a-e of art. 5; to the software, computer programs and non computer programs in management mode; to the bank account; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the association activities.

Permanent access is guaranteed, with the possibility of revocation, to the Association's software, digital platforms and channels used for editing and publishing activities.

7. The Deputy Editorial Director must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and of the Editorial Director, to all the documents of the staff and of the individual activities referred to in paragraph 3 letters a-e of art. 5; to the software, to the computer programs and not computer programs in management mode; to the bank account; to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the association activities.

Permanent access is guaranteed, with the possibility of revocation, to the Association's software, digital platforms and channels used for editing and publishing activities.

8. The Editorial Director assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or default in the performance of his duties and those under his direct direction.

9. The Deputy Editorial Director assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 6


1. The Treasurer is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates, he is identified as "Treasurer of Mondo Internazionale". The Treasurer may resign at any time by informing the Secretary General in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Treasurer is a mandatory member of the Steering Committee and the Secretariat.

3. The Treasurer of the Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Treasurer by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

4. The Treasurer is the Head of the Treasury team, is responsible for any failures or errors and must:

a. Appoint one to two Vice-Presidents with the approval of the Secretary General;

b. Coordinate the activities of the Treasury team.

5. The Treasurer must:

a. Provide for money entering and leaving the Association and control the flow of money avoiding in the short term the risk of having to resort to financing greater than that provided for;

b. Propose and implement the monetary policies of the Association, in coordination with the Secretary General and the President;

c. To prepare in detail an annual and quarterly financial plan, in which appear the scope and nature of the monetary flows necessary to carry out the activities of the various membership sectors;

d. Manage the flow of money, planning the monetary resources of the Association according to the established time interval, within the policies provided by the Secretary General and the Steering Committee;

e. Interact and relate to credit and financial institutions;

f. To have a constant overview of financial market developments and the various reliable financial products;

g. Monitor every movement of bank accounts, examining every item in the statements of account, currency allocation times, timing and credit attribution, compliance with agreements on the cost of money, interest rates receivable and payable, operating expenses for maintaining accounts, any changes in the law on the movement of national and international capital;

h. Managing relations with the auditors and the Secretary-General responsible for the budget;

i. Draw up all the forms for the Inland Revenue to be signed by the President;

j. Maintain relations with the Accountant identified by the Steering Committee;

k. Prepare electronic invoicing and issuing receipts for the Association's institutional and commercial activities;

l. Keep and update the Association's accounting records;

m. Check the report on the accounting records of the foreign member associations at Mondo Internazionale and report any errors to the Steering Committee.

6. The Treasurer assumes all civil and criminal liability for omissions, errors and any failure in the performance of his activities as per paragraphs 4 and 5 of this article.

7. The Treasurer must have access, with the authorization of the President, to all the economic-financial documents of the Association, to the software and computer and non computer programs useful for the carrying out of its activities in the management mode; to the bank account; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the carrying out of the Association's activities.

Access is permanently permitted to:

a. All economic-financial documents at the registered and/or operational headquarters;

b. Bank account;

c. IT and non IT systems aimed at carrying out the economic-financial activities of the Association.

6. The Treasurer assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or default in the performance of his duties and those under his direct direction. He shall also be civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 7


1. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the President. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as "Head of Secretariat of Mondo Internazionale". The Director of Secretariat and Coordination may resign at any time by informing the President in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination is a mandatory member of the Secretariat.

3. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Director of Secretariat and Coordination by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

4. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination, must coordinate the Presidency Secretariat ("Presidency Secretariat") and the Secretariat of the Secretary General ("General Secretariat"). In the latter case, the Director of Secretariat and Coordination shall identify the Director of the Secretariat of the Secretary General, who shall manage the permanent delegation of the Director of Secretariat and Coordination of the activities of the Secretariat of the Secretary General as indicated in Article 12 of these Single Regulations.

5. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination must:

a. Coordinate the activities of the President and Vice-President;

b. Managing the Presidency's agenda;

c. Drawing up the minutes of the Steering Committee;

d. Prepare the necessary documentation regarding agreements, legal and fiscal representation of the Association;

e. Archiving and managing Presidency documents, such as minutes, documents relating to associations, projects and representation, as well as administrative documents;

f. Coordinate the activities of the Steering Committee;

g. To archive and manage the Association's documents such as minutes, documents relating to associations, projects and representation, as well as administrative documents;

h. To archive and manage the documents relating to the collaborations and conventions stipulated by the Association;

i. To archive and manage the documents of all employees and associates of the Association.

6. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination must take care of the image of the Association in the exercise of its functions, operating in the most transparent and objective way possible.

7. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination has the task of protecting any information and/or sensitive data belonging to the Association during the performance of its functions.

8. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination assumes all civil and criminal liability for omissions, errors and any failure to perform his activities as per paragraphs 4 and 5 of art. 7 of these Single Regulations.

9. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination must have access, with the authorization of the President, to all documents of the Association, to the software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in admin mode; to the bank account; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of its activities.

10. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties and those under his direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.


Article 8


1. The Webmaster is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of one of the members. The Webmaster may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Webmaster is a member of the Communication Team and Webmaster of the Secretariat and it is possible that the Steering Committee may appoint more than one. In the latter case, the appointed webmasters must work as a team without in any way hindering the work of even just one team member.

3. The Webmaster has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly.

4. The Webmaster must manage and coordinate the activities related to IT issues and management of the web equipment in general according to the performance of his functions, such as:

a. Designer;

b. Developer;

c. Programmer (code writing);

d. Graphic designer (in agreement with the Graphic Designer, art. 44);

e. Coordinator and supervisor of the activities of any other people working on the site.

5. The Webmaster must carry out his activities according to the instructions of the Secretary General previously approved by the Steering Committee. Any decision and modification made by the Webmaster regarding his area of competence with regard to the computer structures of the Association must be previously authorized by the Secretary General.

6. All documents relating to supplies, agreements and any other matter relating to the Association's computer system must be deposited at Mondo Internazionale's headquarters in their original version.

7. In case of resignation, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, the Webmaster must allow the Association to take all necessary measures so as not to interrupt the Association's activities in any way.

8. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of Webmaster by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

9. The Webmaster may appoint one or more assistants and/or collaborators who will proceed to assign and coordinate as necessary with the authorization of the Secretary General.

10. The Steering Committee may appoint a Vice-Webmaster, by qualified majority, to assist the Webmaster in the performance of his duties. The term of office is two years and may be tacitly renewed. The Vice-Webmaster may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, the Vice-Webmaster may revoke the appointment by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

11. The Vice-Webmaster assumes the same functions as the Webmaster if he is unable to perform them for personal reasons or force majeure.

12. The Webmaster must have access with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf the Vice-President, to all the Association's computer documents, software and programs useful to carry out its activities in admin mode.

Access is permanently allowed only to the computer systems that are indispensable and dedicated to the performance of the Association's activities.

13. The Webmaster cannot be in any way the owner of licenses, certificates, software, domains or programs of the Association.

14. The Webmaster assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties and those under his direct direction. He is also liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

15. The Vice-Webmaster assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 9


  1. The Editor-in-Chief is nominated by the Editorial Director subject to approval by the Steering Committee. The Editor-in-Chief may resign at any time informing the Editorial Director with 60 days of notice before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. If the Steering Committee considers it necessary, by proven majority it may revoke the position of the Editor-in-Chief by motivating it in writing and by communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committees takes effect 3 days after the communication. In the international context in which the Association operates he/she is identified as “Editor in Chief of Mondo Internazionale”
  2. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for all the editorial activities that concern the publication of editorial and non-editorial contents of the thematic area assigned to him/her within the official blog of the Association The Editor-in-Chief must lead and coordinate all the publication activities according to the guidelines given by the Steering Committee and the Editorial Director.
  3. The Editor-in Chief serves a two-years term, which can be tacitly renewed with the approval of the Steering Committee.
  4. The Editor-in-Chief must manage the publications according to his/her thematic area within the Association; this is done together with the Editorial Director and/or the Deputy Editorial Director. In this matter, the Editor-in-Chief must coordinate the activities of the Editors (authors) who publish contents on Mondo Internazionale’s Blog according to the thematic area assigned to them.
  5. The Editor-in-Chief’s role is to verify the credibility of the information and contents published within the thematic area assigned to him/her. Moreover the Editor-in-Chief must verify that the Editors (authors) comply with the publishing rules of those contents protected by national and international regulations on the protection of intellectual property and copyright.
  6. The Editor-in-Chief must provide a clear and outlined schedule of his/her activities continuously and/on upon request by the Editorial Director or by the Deputy Editorial Director.
  7. The Editor-in-Chief may nominate up to two Deputy Editors-in-Chief who serves in his/her same role, in case he/she were unavailable or unable to perform his/her duty, and who can support the scheduled activities. If the Deputy Editor-in-Chief assumes the power and duty of the Editor-in-Chief, the latter will also take the responsibility of the actions taken during his management period.
  8. All the information the Editor-in-Chief deals regarding the Association and the management of the internal and external activities are strictly confidential and its disclosure is prohibited. In case the information are required outside of the Association, any communication is to be authorized by the Steering-Committee upon written request by the Head of the internal audit team.
  9. The Editor-in-Chief assumes the full responsibility in carrying out the activities and the burden reparation towards Mondo Internationale Association in the event of damage due to negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties and those under his management. Moreover he/she is civilly and criminally responsible for any illegal behaviour or violation of the internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 10


  1. The Deputy Editor in Chief is nominated by the Editor-in-Chief subject to approval by the Editorial Director. The Deputy Editor-in-Chief may resign at any time informing the Editorial Director with 60 days written notice before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. If the Steering Committee considers it necessary, by proven majority it may revoke the position of Deputy Editor-in-chief by motivating it in writing and by communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committees takes effect after 3 days after the communication. In the international context in which the Association operates he/she is identified as “Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Mondo Internazionale”.
  2. The Deputy Editor-in- Chief relies completely on the Editor- in-Chief for all the activities related to the thematic area assigned to him/her and must support the Editor-in-Chief in the management of the content published by the Editors (authors) who collaborate within the same area. The Editor-in-Chief may nominate up to two Deputy Editors- in-Chief who, in case of unavailability of the Editor in Chief, assist and coordinate the activities of the thematic area assigned to them.
  3. The Deputy Editor-in Chief serves a two-years term, which can be tacitly renewed with the approval of the Editorial Director.
  4. All the information that the Deputy Editor-in-Chief deals regarding the Association and the management of the internal and external activities are strictly confidential and its disclosure is prohibited. In case the information are required outside of the Association, any communication is to be authorized by the Steering-Committee upon written request by the Head of the internal audit team.
  5. The Deputy Editor-in-Chief assumes the full responsibility in carrying out the activities and the burden reparation towards Mondo Internationale Association in the event of damage due to negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties and those under his management.


Article 11


1. The External Relations team is coordinated and managed by the External Relations Director. In the international context in which the Association operates it is identified as "Head of External Affairs of Mondo Internazionale".

2. The Director for External Relations is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General.

3. Its term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every 2 years.

4. The Director for External Relations may resign at any time by informing the President in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

5. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority, it may revoke the position of Director for External Relations, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The Steering Committee's decision shall take effect 3 days after the communication.

6. The Director for External Relations may appoint one to two Deputy Directors for External Affairs, subject to the approval of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates, they are identified as "Deputy Director of External Affairs of Mondo Internazionale".

7. The Deputy Director for External Relations shall replace the Director for External Relations if necessary. The office of the Deputy Director for External Relations is regulated in the same way as the office of Director for External Relations as set forth in paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of this article. In case of resignation, the Deputy Director for External Relations must inform the Director for External Relations in writing and 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Deputy Director for External Relations by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

8. The Director for External Relations, and with his delegation the Deputy Director for External Relations, must:

a. To manage relations with third parties on behalf of the Association Mondo Internazionale, taking care of the image of the Association itself outside and the relations it has with the third parties with which it collaborates;

b. Identify possible stakeholders with whom the Association can collaborate;

c. Assist the Steering Committee in maintaining the external relations of the Association;

d. To advise the President and Vice-President on the maintenance of the Association's relations.

9. The Director for External Relations subject to approval by the General Secretary, may nominate up to two Representatives for the External Relations, with the duty of supporting the Director and Deputy Director in carrying out the activities provided in paragraph 8 of this article. The term served by the Representative has an unlimited duration upon renewal every 2 years. The External Relations Representative may resign at any time informing the Editorial Director with 60 days of notice before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. If the Steering Committee considers it necessary, by proven majority it may revoke the position of External relations Representative by motivating it in writing and by communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committees takes effect after 3 days after the communication.

10. The External Relations Representative must have access to all the documents of the Association, to the software, to computer and non-computer programs useful for carrying out the activities. This is subject to the authorization of the President or his Deputy and of the Director of External Relations.

11. The External Relations Representative assumes the full responsibility in carrying out the activities and the burden reparation towards Mondo Internationale Association in the event of damage due to negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties and those under his management. Moreover he/she is civilly and criminally responsible for any illegal behaviour or violation of the internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

12. The Deputy Director for External Relations must have access, with authorization from the President, to all Association documents, software and to computer and non-computer programs useful for carrying out its activities in manger mode; to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for carrying out its activities associative.

13. The Director for External Relations and the Deputy Director for External Relations assume full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damages deriving from negligence and / or default in carrying out their own tasks. They also respond civilly and criminally for any unlawful conduct or in violation of internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of their associative functions and outside of them.

14. The Referent for External Relations assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages deriving from negligence and / or default in carrying out their duties and those directly subjected to it. It also responds civilly and criminally for any unlawful conduct or in violation of internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 11b


1. The Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs may appoint, subject to the approval of the Steering Committee of Mondo Internazionale, one to three Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs to support his or her work within the geographical area of competence. The office of Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs lasts for two years and may be tacitly renewed with the approval of the Steering Committee of the Mondo Internazionale Association. The Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 90 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect 3 days after the communication. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs - Geographic Area of Mondo Internazionale".

2. The Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs must support the work of the Head of Foreign Affairs in all the functions described in paragraph 3 of article 11a. The Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs may but shall not replace the Head of Foreign Affairs in the performance of his or her duties, if the situation so requires and with the prior written authorization of the Head of Foreign Affairs.

3. The Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs, must have access with the authorization of the President, or in his place of the Vice-President, to all documents; to software, computer programs and not computerized in admin mode; to the bank account; to the safe deposit boxes; to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the carrying out of the associative activities.

4. The Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. It is also civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 12


1. By secretarial and coordination activities we mean all those activities aimed at the management of the documentation and secretariat of Mondo Internazionale and the materials inherent to the projects launched by the Association itself.

2. Secretarial activities shall also include

a. Coordination of the Presidency and Secretariat Secretarial teams;

b. The normal conduct of the coordination and organization of the agenda of the Presidency, the Secretariat and all those responsible who need it and the proper fulfilment of the activities of the projects launched;

c. The verification of the correct progress of projects and collaborations, keeping the President and the Secretary General updated;

d. The convocation of the Steering Committee and the Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly subject to the authorization of the President, as well as the Board of Auditors;

e. The coordination of the Association's national and international secretarial activities;

f. The management of the associations and their renewals, in collaboration with the Treasury of the Association.

3. These activities are coordinated and supervised by the Director of Secretariat and Coordination. In case of need, the Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination shall replace him/her.


Article 13


1. The Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination is appointed, upon proposal of the Director of Secretariat and Coordination, by the Secretary General. Up to two Deputy Directors of Secretariat and Coordination may be appointed. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination ". The Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination may resign at any time by informing the Director of Secretariat and Coordination in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination must coordinate the Secretariat of the Secretary General "General Secretariat" with permanent delegation of the Director of Secretariat and Coordination as indicated in art. 12 of these Single Regulations.

4. This office has the task of assisting the Director of Secretariat and Coordination in carrying out secretarial and coordination activities and may be delegated to carry out certain activities when requested, provided that they do not fall outside the activities provided for in these Regulations. Such activities include:

a. The scheduling of content to be published on websites and/or Social Network platforms;

b. The archiving and management of Association documents, such as minutes, documents relating to associations, projects and representation, as well as bureaucratic ones;

c. The coordination of the activities of the Secretariat together with the Secretary General;

d. The management and organization of the Secretary General's agenda;

e. The drafting of the minutes of the Steering Committee in the absence of the Director of Secretariat and Coordination;

f. The preparation of the necessary documentation relating to agreements, legal and fiscal representation of the Association;

g. The archiving and management of Secretariat documents, such as minutes, documents relating to associations, projects and representation, as well as administrative documents;

h. The archiving and management of documents relating to collaborations and agreements stipulated by the Association;

i. The filing and management of documents of all employees and associates of the Association.

5. The Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination must have access, with the authorization of the President, to all documents of the Association, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in member/manager mode; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of its activities.

6. The Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. He shall also be civilly and criminally liable for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 14


1. The Director of Secretariat and Coordination, subject to the approval of the Secretary General, may appoint one or more Referents for Secretariat and Coordination activities.

2. Its term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every 2 years.

3. The Referents for Secretariat and Coordination may resign at any time by informing the Director of Secretariat and Coordination in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties.

4. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Referents for Secretariat and Coordination by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

5. The Referents for Secretariat and Coordination has the task of supporting the Director of Secretariat and Coordination and the Deputy Director of Secretariat and Coordination in carrying out the tasks provided for in these Regulations as specified for the secretarial and coordination activities of Mondo Internazionale.

6. In the international context in which the Association operates, he is identified as "Assistant of Secretariat of Mondo Internazionale".

7. The Referents for Secretariat and Coordination assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. The Referents for Secretariat and Coordination is also civilly and criminally liable for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.


Article 15


1. The Secretariat is composed of several teams coordinated and managed by the Secretary General as per art. 3 of these Regulations.

2. The team’s part of the Secretariat are, as indicated in art. 16 to art. 28 of these Regulations:

a. Treasury;

b. Planning, business plan and euro-planning;

c. Secretariat;

d. Communication and webmaster;

e. Legal consulting;

f. Human Resources;

g. Logistics and Events;

h. The Presidents of the National Associations.

For coordination alone they are added:

a. The Director General;

b. The Editorial Director;

c. The International Steering Committee.

3. The Secretary General assumes all responsibility for the management and coordination of the activities of the Secretariat and is liable civilly and criminally for any damage caused to the Association for malice and/or negligence found during the performance of its functions or those under its direction for failure to indicate the coordination guidelines necessary for the proper performance of activities.

Article 16


1. The Treasury is coordinated and managed by the Treasurer pursuant to art. 6 of these Regulations.

2. The Treasurer appoints from one to two Deputy Directors of Treasury, as indicated in art. 6 paragraph 4, subject to the approval of the Secretary General.

3. The Deputy Director of Treasury must replace the Treasurer in case of need.

4. The Deputy Director, with the Treasurer's proxy, must:

a. Plan the flow of money into and out of the Association and control the flow of money avoiding in the short term the risk of having to resort to more funding than expected;

b. Propose and implement the monetary policies of the Association, in coordination with the Secretary General and the President;

c. To prepare in detail an annual and quarterly financial plan, in which appear the scope and nature of the monetary flows necessary to carry out the activities of the various membership sectors;

d. Manage the flow of money by planning the monetary resources of the Association according to the established time frame, within the policies provided by the Secretary General and the Steering Committee;

e. Interact and relate to credit and financial institutions;

f. To have a constant overview of financial market developments and the various reliable financial products;

g. Monitor every movement of bank accounts, examining every item in the statements of account, currency allocation times, timing and credit attribution, compliance with agreements on the cost of money, interest rates receivable and payable, operating expenses for maintaining accounts, any changes in the law on the movement of national and international capital;

h. Managing relations with the auditors and the Secretary-General responsible for the budget;

i. Draw up all the forms for the Inland Revenue to be signed by the President;

j. Interact with the accountant identified by the Steering Committee;

k. Prepare electronic invoicing and issuing receipts for the Association's institutional and commercial activities;

l. Keep and update the Association's accounting records;

m. Check the report on the accounting records of the foreign member associations at Mondo Internazionale and report any errors to the Steering Committee.

5. The Deputy Director of Treasury must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and of the Treasurer, to all the economic-financial documents of the Association, to the software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the carrying out of its activities in management mode; to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the carrying out of its activities.

6. The Deputy Director of Treasury assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties and those under his direct direction. It is also civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

7. The Treasurer, after obtaining the approval of the General-Secretary, can elect one or more Treasury Representatives, who provide support to the Treasury team in respect of activities listed in subparagraph 4 of this Article. The office of the Representative has unlimited duration after renewal every two years. The Treasury Representative may resign at any time by informing in advance the Treasurer in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless the parties have agreed otherwise. If the Executive Board considers it necessary, it may revoke the office of Treasury Representative by qualified majority, stating its reasons in writing and communicating it through the official channels. The decision of the Executive Board takes effect starting from 3 days after notification.

8. The Treasury Representative must have access with the authorization of the President, or in his place of the Vice-President and the Treasurer, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-IT programs useful for carrying out the association's activities.

9. The Treasury Representative assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages deriving from negligence and/or default in the performance of his duties and of those subjected to his direct management. Furthermore, he/she is civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behavior or in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his/her associative functions and outside of them.

Article 17


1. The Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team is coordinated and managed by the Director of Strategic Planning referred to in art. 18 of these Regulations.

2. The Director of Strategic Planning appoints one to two Vice-Directors, subject to the approval of the Secretary General.

3. The Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team deals with the research of public and/or private, national and European calls for proposals for the financing of projects and activities of the Association, in accordance with the requirements for the correct and profitable development of the same and to outline the future strategies of the Association in collaboration with the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary General. Specifically, this activity provides for:

a. The research, through computer tools and web platforms, of national and/or European calls for proposals, in which the Association can participate, in compliance with the conditions and requirements, for the financing of projects of an exclusively associative nature;

b. The drafting and collection of the documentation necessary to participate in the call of interest;

c. The submission of the documentation collected, according to the terms set out in the notice text, for possible inclusion in the ranking of the selected entities;

d. In the event of successful participation in the call for proposals, funds will be raised for the project selected for funding;

4. Participation in the calls for funding is determined by the positive decision of the Association's Steering Committee, which takes care to determine that the funding provided by the call for funding is effectively and unequivocally allocated to the project to be funded;

5. The Secretary General by resolution of the Steering Committee, together with the Treasurer, has the task of identifying the most appropriate methods and solutions to verify the correct disbursement of funds obtained to the project selected for internal financing.

6. The President, together with the Treasurer of the Association, has the task of verifying the correct use of these funds according to the aims and purposes of the financed project.

7. The Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team is in charge of drafting the document called "Business Plan" of the Association, with the aim of planning medium- and long-term economic activities and participation in national and European funding calls, where required.

8. The Director of Strategic Planning is responsible for verifying the correctness of the documents necessary for the preparation of the Business Plan and the documentation for participation in the calls for funding; the documentation is provided to the Director of Strategic Planning according to the requests expressed at the time of compilation of the Business Plan by the persons in charge of these activities.

Article 18


1. The Director of Strategic Planning is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as "Director of Strategic Planning of Mondo Internazionale". The Director of Strategic Planning may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Director of Strategic Planning of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year, tacitly renewable term of office. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, the Director of Strategic Planning may revoke the office of Director of Strategic Planning by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Director of Strategic Planning shall:

a. Appointing, subject to the approval of the Secretary General, one to two Vice-Directors to assist in the management of the Strategic Planning team, in particular with regard to: the research and drafting of calls for proposals, the coordination of the Association's projects and to coordinate the creation of new association projects; the future strategies of the Association, specifying expenditure forecasts and budgets, and fundraising campaigns in favour of Mondo Internazionale;

b. Draw up the Association's Business Plan and for each project of the Association itself according to the most appropriate form;

c. Verify the truthfulness and accuracy of the information entered at the time of compiling the documents aimed at participating in national and European calls for proposals and drafting the Association Business Plan;

d. Supervise, in close coordination with the Secretary General, the work of the Vice-Directors and any team members in carrying out these tasks;

e. Check that the documentation provided, if it contains sensitive and non-disclosable data about Mondo Internazionale, is used for its intended purpose and not for other purposes;

f. Supervise Sponsorship and Merchandising activities, appoint team leaders and coordinate the work of the team.

4. The Director of Strategic Planning must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in admin or non admin mode; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

5. The Director of Strategic Planning assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties and those under his direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 19


1. The Corporate Fundraising and Grant Management team is responsible for the search for calls for tenders and funding for the development of projects and activities of the Mondo Internazionale Association. The team is coordinated by the Corporate Fundraiser and Grant Manager and is appointed by the Director of Strategic Planning after approval by the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager of Mondo Internazionale". The Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager may resign at any time by informing the Strategic Planning Director in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. The Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager has a term of two years, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the office of Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect 3 days after the communication. The position is compatible with the role of Vice-Director of the Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team.

2. The Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager must:

a. Search for calls for tenders for the financing of the Association's projects, propose financing solutions through calls for tenders and/or fundraising for the Association's projects, both those in the start-up phase and those already in progress;

b. To support the Director of Strategic Planning in the drafting of the Association's Business Plan and for each project of the Association itself in the most appropriate form;

c. To develop and maintain contacts with companies, public and private bodies and potential stakeholders of Mondo Internazionale in order to promote forms of support to the same in coordination with the External Relations team;

d. Verify the truthfulness and accuracy of the information entered at the time of compiling the documents aimed at participating in national and European calls for proposals and drafting the Association Business Plan;

e. Check that the documentation provided for participation in invitations to tender and/or fundraising, if it contains sensitive and non-disclosable data about the Mondo Internazionale Association, is used for the purposes intended and not for other purposes;

f. Directing, supervising and coordinating the members of the Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team working in the field of fundraising and financing.

3. The Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President, or in his place the Vice-President, and the Director of Strategic Planning, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in member mode; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

4. The Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties and those under their direct management. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

5. The figures in charge of the Corporate Fundraising and Grant Management team are represented by the Grant Manager. These figures are coordinated by the Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager.

6. The Grant Manager is appointed by Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager with the approval of the Strategic Planning Director. The Grant Manager may resign at any time by giving prior written notice to the Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. The Grant Manager has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the appointment of Grant Manager by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The Steering Committee's decision shall take effect 3 days after the communication. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Grant Manager of Mondo Internazionale".

7. The Grant Manager is in charge of supporting the Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager in planning, organizing and executing the research activity of calls for proposals and funds for association activities in public and private bodies. In addition, the Grant Manager supports the Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager in the preparation and collection of the necessary documentation for participation in calls for funding, as well as in the registration with digital platforms for the submission of applications. The Grant Manager supervises the entire administrative process for the activities planned by the team and informs the Director of Strategic Planning and the Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager about public and private calls for proposals of interest for the activities of the Association. The Grant Manager is responsible, subject to specific indication and delegation of the Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager, for maintaining relations, in coordination with the External Relations team of the Association, with stakeholders and donors of Mondo Internazionale.

8. The Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Director of Strategic Planning, to all documents of the Association, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities as a member/manager and to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and for the performance of the Association's activities.

9. The Corporate Fundraising and Grant Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties and those under their direct management. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

10. The Grant Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Director of Strategic Planning, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful to carry out its activities in member/manager mode and to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to carry out the Association's activities.

11. The Grant Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. The Grant Manager shall also be civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his or her membership functions and outside of them.


Article 20


1. The Marketing and Fundraising team is in charge of the planning, organization and execution of the marketing and sponsorship activities of the Association's fundraising activities; moreover, the team is in charge of the planning, organization and execution of the Association's merchandising activities in collaboration with the Sponsorship and Merchandising team of the same. The team is coordinated by the Marketing and Communication Specialist and is appointed by the Director of Strategic Planning with the approval of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Marketing and Communication Specialist of Mondo Internazionale". The Marketing and Communication Specialist may resign at any time by informing the Strategic Planning Director in writing at least 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. The Marketing and Communication Specialist of Mondo Internazionale has a term of two years, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the appointment of Marketing and Communication Specialist by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication. The position is compatible with the role of Vice-Director of the Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team.

2. The Marketing and Communication Specialist must:

a. To take care, in agreement with the Director of Strategic Planning, of the short, medium- and long-term vision of the Association, its projects and activities. In addition, he must advise the Strategic Planning Director on the most appropriate and potentially effective marketing strategies to strengthen the Association's image in relation to the external public and stakeholders, meet the ROI and KPIs forecasts established;

b. Support the Director of Strategic Planning in planning, creating and directing fundraising and/or crowdfunding campaigns initiated by the team to raise funds and/or donations on behalf of the Mondo Internazionale Association. In addition, the Marketing Manager is responsible for directing the members of the Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team responsible for organizing and supervising marketing, fundraising and crowdfunding campaigns;

c. Supports the Director of Strategic Planning in the drafting of the Association's Business Plan in relation to analyses concerning the promotion of products and/or services promoted by Mondo Internazionale. In addition, the Marketing Manager supports the Director in the formulation of cost and revenue forecasts to be included in official documents of the Association.

d. Support the Director of Communication, or in his place the Vice-Director of Communication, in sponsoring fundraising, crowdfunding and marketing campaigns through the offline and online channels of the Mondo Internazionale Association. In particular, the Marketing and Communication Specialist participates in meetings dedicated to the definition and implementation of the Association's marketing and communication strategy; this also includes meetings, meetings and briefings dedicated to the monitoring and analysis of data relevant to the above mentioned purpose.

3. The Marketing and Communication Specialist must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Director of Strategic Planning, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful to carry out its activities in non-admin mode and to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

4. The Marketing and Fundraising team is represented by the Marketing Manager. These figures are coordinated by the Marketing and Communication Specialist and work, where required, together with the Monitoring and Data Analysis team for Communication and Strategic Planning.

5. The Marketing Manager is appointed by the Marketing and Communication Specialist with the approval of the Strategic Planning Director. The Marketing Manager may resign at any time by informing the Marketing and Communication Specialist in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. The Grant Manager has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of Marketing Manager by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication. In the international context in which the Association operates is identified as "Marketing Manager of Mondo Internazionale".

6. The Marketing Manager is in charge of supporting the Marketing and Communication Specialist in planning, organizing and executing the marketing and sponsoring activities of the Association's fundraising and merchandising initiatives. The Marketing Manager supports the Marketing and Communication Specialist in identifying the best strategies to promote the activities of Mondo Internazionale in order to increase ROI (Return on Investment) and to meet the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) established by the team. It is the Marketing Manager's task to evaluate that the strategies formulated reflect the guidelines established by the Steering Committee and the Strategic Planning Director and that they are compatible with other communication activities carried out by the Association. Furthermore, the Marketing Manager must verify, requesting, if necessary, indications from the Marketing and Communication Specialist, that these strategies do not conflict with the brand, mission, vision and ethical and moral values promoted by the Association.

7. The Marketing and Communication Specialist must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Director of Strategic Planning, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful to carry out its activities in member/manager mode and to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to carry out the Association's activities.

8. The Marketing and Communication Specialist assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform its duties and those under its direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

9. The Marketing Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Director of Strategic Planning, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful to carry out its activities in member/manager mode and to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to carry out the Association's activities.

10. The Marketing Manager assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. Likewise, he or she is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his or her associative functions and outside of them.

Article 21


1. The Legal consulting team is coordinated and managed by the Legal Advisor referred to in Article 22 of these Regulations.

2. The Legal consulting appoints two Deputy Legal Advisor, as indicated in art. 22 paragraph 3, subject to the approval of the Secretary General.

3. The Legal consulting team must:

a. Advise the President and Vice-President in the legal representation of the Association;

b. Advise on the actual possibility of implementation of the proposed projects by the Association itself;

c. Verify that the performance of membership activities falls within the regulations in force regarding Third Sector entities and that these do not violate any of the regulations in question;

d. Keep the President and Vice-President informed about possible developments in the regulations governing and regulating Third Sector Entities;

e. Advise the Secretary General on the management of employees and/or volunteers;

f. To advise the Steering Committee for the national and international activities of the Association;

g. Protect the rights and duties of the Association and Associates.

Article 22


1. The Legal Advisor is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as "Legal Advisor of Mondo Internazionale". The Legal Advisor may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Legal Advisor of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Legal Advisor by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Legal Advisor appoints one to two Deputy Legal Advisor with the approval of the Secretary General.

4. The Legal Advisor must:

a. Advise the President and Vice-President in the legal representation of the Association;

b. Advise on the actual possibility of implementation of the proposed projects by the Association itself;

c. Verify that the performance of membership activities falls within the regulations in force regarding Third Sector entities and that these do not violate any of the regulations in question;

d. Keep the President and Vice-President informed about possible developments in the regulations governing and regulating Third Sector Entities;

e. Advise the Secretary General on the management of employees and/or volunteers;

f. To advise the Steering Committee for the national and international activities of the Association;

g. Protect the rights and duties of the Association and Associates;

h. Advise the Steering Committee for the conclusion of national and international agreements;

i. Propose legal amendments to the Articles of Association, Association Regulations and official appointments.

5. The Legal Advisor coincides with the figure of the person responsible for the Protection of Privacy in accordance with current regulations.

6. The Legal Advisor must have access, with the authorization of the President, to all documents of the Association, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in member/manager mode; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

7. The Legal Advisor assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure of those under his direct direction to perform their duties. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.



Article 23


1. The Deputy Legal Advisor is appointed by the Legal Advisor with the approval of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates, he is identified as "Deputy Legal Advisor of Mondo Internazionale". The Deputy Legal Advisor may resign at any time by informing the Legal consulting in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Deputy Legal Advisor of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Deputy Legal Advisor by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Deputy Legal Advisor, with mandate from the Legal Advisor, must:

a. Advise the President and Vice-President in the legal representation of the Association;

b. Advise on the actual possibility of implementation of the proposed projects by the Association itself;

c. Verify that the performance of membership activities falls within the regulations in force regarding Third Sector entities and that these do not violate any of the regulations in question;

d. Keep the President and Vice-President informed about possible developments in the regulations governing and regulating Third Sector Entities;

e. Advise the Secretary General on the management of employees and/or volunteers;

f. To advise the Steering Committee for the national and international activities of the Association;

g. Protect the rights and duties of the Association and Associates;

h. Advise the Steering Committee for the conclusion of national and international agreements;

i. Propose legal amendments to the Articles of Association, Association Regulations and official appointments;

4. The Deputy Legal Advisor must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice President, and the Legal Advisor, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in member/manager mode; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

5. The Deputy Legal Advisor assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 23a


1. The Legal Agreements and Conventions Advisor is appointed by the Legal Advisor with the approval of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as " Legal Agreements and Conventions Advisor of Mondo Internazionale". The Legal agreements and conventions advisor may resign at any time by informing the Legal consulting in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Legal Agreements and Conventions Advisor has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Legal Agreements and Conventions Advisor by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Legal Agreements and Conventions Advisor, under the supervision of the Legal Advisor, or in his place of the Deputy Legal Advisor, has to:

a. Support the Legal consulting team in the drafting of agreements and conventions to be concluded for the initiation of collaborations with third parties;

b. Advise the Legal Advisor on the contractual and regulatory clauses to be included in agreements and conventions, as well as any references to national and international regulations in force;

c. Review, analyze and express non-binding opinions and opinions regarding proposals for collaboration agreements received by the Association for the stipulation of partnerships with third parties;

d. Advise the Legal Advisor on the development of national and international legislation and case law regarding contract law;

e. Advise the Secretary General and the Director of Human Resources in the stipulation and conclusion of internal agreements within the Association with individual members and/or collaborators, the latter also external;

f. Propose solutions for the protection and respect of the rights and duties of members in the event of violations of contracts entered into by Mondo Internazionale internally and externally;

g. Advise the Steering Committee and the Secretary General, together with the Legal Advisor and the Deputy Legal Advisor, for the stipulation of national and international agreements;

4. The Legal Agreements and Conventions Advisor must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Legal Advisor, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in member/manager mode and to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

5. The Legal Agreements and Conventions Advisor assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 23b


1. The Internal Policy Advisor is appointed by the Legal Advisor with the approval of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as "Internal Policy Advisor of Mondo Internazionale". The Internal Policy Advisor may resign at any time by informing the Legal Advisor in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Internal Policy Advisor of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the position of Internal Policy Advisor by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Internal Policy Advisor, under the supervision of the Legal consulting, or acting on behalf of the Deputy Legal consulting, has to:

a. Support the Legal consulting team in the drafting of the Association's policies for the establishment of rules and internal control bodies;

b. Advise the Steering Committee, the Secretary General and Legal Advisor on the elaboration of the policies necessary to support and protect the members and possible external subjects during the carrying out of the activities of the Associations;

c. Advise the Legal Advisor on the adoption of means and instruments to ensure the correct application and compliance with internal policies;

d. Keep the Steering Committee, the Secretary General and the Legal Advisor updated on the evolution of the practice and good practices regarding the policies adopted by the Association;

e. Propose to the Legal Advisor solutions for the protection and respect of rights and duties in case of violations of internal policies by Mondo Internazionale found both inside and outside the Association.

4. The Internal Policy Advisor must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Legal Advisor, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in member/manager mode and to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

5. The Internal Policy Advisor assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. Likewise, he or she is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his or her associative functions and outside of them.

Article 23c


1. The Privacy, GDPR and Legal Disclaimers Advisor is appointed by the Legal Advisor with the approval of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates, he is identified as "Privacy, GDPR and Legal Disclaimers Advisor of Mondo Internazionale". The Privacy, GDPR and Legal Disclaimers Advisor may resign at any time by informing the Legal Advisor in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Privacy, GDPR and Legal Disclaimers Advisor of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year, tacitly renewable mandate. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the position of Privacy, GDPR and Release Manager by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Privacy, GDPR and Legal Disclaimers Advisor, under the supervision of the Legal consulting, or in his place of the Deputy Legal consulting, has to:

a. Support the Legal consulting team in the elaboration and drafting of internal regulations regarding the protection of privacy and personal data protection of individuals associated with Mondo Internazionale;

b. Periodically advise the Steering Committee and the Legal Advisor on developments in Italian and European legislation regarding the protection of privacy and the protection of personal data of individuals associated with Mondo Internazionale;

c. Advise the Legal Advisor on the adoption of the most suitable rules, tools and means to ensure the protection of privacy and personal data of individual members by the Association;

d. Check and update periodically, under the supervision of the Legal Advisor, or on his behalf of the Deputy Legal Advisor, the Association's internal documentation on the protection of privacy and protection of personal data of individual members;

e. Draw up the documents (releases) necessary to guarantee the correct use of audiovisual materials, contents and logos granted to the Association by individual members and/or external bodies and collaborators; furthermore, the Privacy Manager, GDPR and Legal Disclaimers draw up these documents to allow a correct use of the Association's intellectual property and material, falling within the above mentioned categories, by individual members, bodies and/or external collaborators.

4. The Privacy, GDPR and Legal Disclaimers Advisor must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Legal consulting, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in member/manager mode and to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities.

5. The Privacy, GDPR and Legal Disclaimers Advisor assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Article 23d


1. The Internal and International Regulations Advisor is appointed by the Legal Advisor with the approval of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates, he is identified as the "Internal and International Regulations Advisor of Mondo Internazionale. The Internal and International Regulations Advisor may resign at any time by informing the Legal Advisor in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Internal and International Regulations Advisor of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the office of Internal and International Regulations Advisor by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Internal and International Regulations Advisor, under the supervision of the Legal Advisor, or in his place of the Deputy Legal Advisor, has to:

a. Support the Legal consulting team and the Secretary General in the elaboration and drafting of internal and international regulations for the Association's activities in Italy and abroad;

b. Periodically advise the Steering Committee, the Secretary General and the Legal Advisor by providing non-binding opinions and recommendations on updating and amending existing internal and international regulations;

c. Check and update periodically, under the supervision of the Legal Advisor, or in his place of the Deputy Legal Advisor, and the Secretary General, the internal and international documentation of the Association for the activities of Mondo Internazionale in Italy and abroad;

d. Draw up the documents necessary for the implementation of the rules and regulations necessary for the proper performance of the Association's activities in Italy and abroad according to the guidelines provided by the Steering Committee;

e. Provide the Translation Manager with the necessary indications, as established by the Steering Committee, for the translation of the Association's internal and international regulations into foreign languages useful for the correct implementation of these regulations in all foreign offices affiliated with Mondo Internazionale.

4. The Internal and International Regulations Advisor must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Legal Advisor, to all documents of the Association, software and computer and non-computer programs useful to carry out its activities as a member/manager and to the legal and/or operational headquarters of the Association for the performance of its activities.

5. The Internal and International Regulations Advisor assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his associative functions and outside of them.

Articolo 23e


1. The Legal Adviser, after prior approval by the Secretary General, may appoint one or more Responsible for Legal Assistant.

2. His or her term of office shall be unlimited, subject to renewal every two years. The responsible for Legal Advice may resign at any time by informing the Legal Consultant. His or her resignation enters into force 60 days after the official notification, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the position of Legal Assistant, justifying the decision by written notice and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect 3 days after the communication.

3. In accordance with articles 23, 23a, 23b, 23c and 23d of the Single Regulation, the Legal Assistant shall support the Legal Consultant, the Vice-Legal Consultant, as well as all the offices of the Legal Advice Team in carrying out the tasks provided for in the present Regulation.

4. With the authorisation of the Legal Consultant, or in his/her stead the Vice-Legal Consultant, the Legal Assistant shall have access to every document of the Association, to any necessary software and to any computer and non-computer programmes useful for the performance of his/her activities in member/manager mode. He/She shall also have access to the registered/operating office of the Association for the purpose of carrying out the Association's activities.

5. In the context of the activities carried out internationally, he/she is identified as the "Legal Assistant of Mondo Internazionale".

5. The Legal Assistant endorses full responsibility in the performance of the said activities and takes the burden of reparation to Mondo Internazionale Association, in the event of any damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. In addition, he/she is liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful conduct or any behaviour in violating the internal and statutory regulations, during the performance of his/her association functions and outside of them.

RELAZIONI INTERNE (in definizione)

Article 24


1. The Communication and Webmaster team is coordinated and managed by the Director of Communication referred to in art. 25 of these Regulations.

2. The Director of Communication appoints a Deputy Director of Communication, as indicated in art. 25 paragraph 3, subject to the approval of the Secretary General.

3. The Communication and Webmaster team must:

a. Advise the Steering Committee in the setting up of the communication activities of the Association;

b. Advise on how to communicate the Association's projects;

c. Verify the performance of communication activities as approved by the Steering Committee;

d. Collaborate with the Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team to plan the future development of the Association;

e. Collaborate with the Legal consulting team to ensure full compliance with the applicable regulations on disclosure of information;

f. Work with the Treasury team to allocate website development or sponsorship funds;

g. Coordinate and manage the use of Social Networks, the Association's communication channels and the Website;

h. Propose modifications and implementation of systems aimed at the communication of the Association.

Article 25


1. The Director of Communication is appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as "Director of Communication of Mondo Internazionale". The Director of Communication may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Director of Communication of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority, he or she may revoke the office of Director of Communication, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Director of Communication appoints a Deputy Director of Communication after approval by the Secretary General. He also coordinates and manages the Webmaster of the Association as per art. 8 of these Regulations.

4. The Director of Communication must:

a. Advise the Steering Committee in the setting up of the communication activities of the Association;

b. Advise on how to communicate the Association's projects;

c. Verify the performance of communication activities as approved by the Steering Committee;

d. Coordinate the Communication team in all its sections to achieve the objectives set by the Steering Committee and organize the management and distribution of the workload;

e. Collaborate with the Planning, Business Plan and Euro-planning team to plan the future development of the Association;

f. Collaborate with the Legal consulting team to ensure full compliance with the applicable regulations on disclosure of information;

g. Work with the Treasury team to allocate website development or sponsorship funds;

h. Supervise and coordinate the internal working groups of the Communication team;

i. Coordinate and manage the use of Social Networks, the communication channels of the Association, and the dissemination of the newsletter;

j. Coordinate the activities of the Webmaster in collaboration with the Secretary General;

k. Coordinate activities in accordance with Articles 40, 41, 42 and 43;

l. Propose modifications and implementation of systems aimed at the communication of the Association;

m. Check the compliance of published materials with current copyright and intellectual property protection regulations, requesting, where necessary, the support of the Association's editorial team;

n. Represent the communications team at the appropriate locations.

5. The Director of Communication must have access with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in admin mode; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities. Permanent access, with the possibility of revocation, to the social network platforms used by the Association is guaranteed.

6. The Director of Communication assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure of those under his direct direction to perform their duties. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 26


1. The Deputy Director of Communication is appointed by the Director of Communication after approval by the Secretary General. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as "Deputy Director of Communication of Mondo Internazionale". The Deputy Director of Communication may resign at any time by informing the Director of Communication in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

2. The Deputy Director of Communication of Mondo Internazionale has a two-year term of office, renewable tacitly. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority, he or she may revoke the office of Deputy Director of Communication, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

3. The Deputy Director of Communication replaces the Director of Communication when the latter is unable to perform his or her duties. He also coordinates and manages the Webmaster of the Association, as per art. 8 of these Rules and Regulations, with a delegation from the Director of Communication.

4. The Deputy Director of Communication, with mandate of the Director of Communication, must:

a. Support but not replace the Director of Communication in the management of the activities and organization of the Communication team;

b. Advise the Director of Communication in defining the objectives and strategy of the Association's external communication activities;

c. Represent the Communications team at the appropriate locations if the Director of Communication is unable to do so;

d. Supervise the work of the Communication team as a whole and ensure that the activities carried out follow the guidelines provided by the Steering Committee and the Director of Communications;

e. Supervise, in coordination with the Director of Communication and the Association's IT team, the correct use of the Association's official communication channels by members;

f. To support the Director of Communications in monitoring the compliance of published materials with current copyright and intellectual property protection regulations.

5. The Deputy Director of Communication must have access with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Director of Communication to all documents of the Association, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for the performance of its activities in member/manager mode; to the registered and/or operational headquarters of the Association and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the performance of the Association's activities. Permanent access, with the possibility of revocation, to the social network platforms used by the Association is guaranteed.

6. The Deputy Director of Communication assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties and those under his direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behavior or behavior in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 27


1. The Human Resources team is coordinated and managed by the Human Resources Director appointed by simple majority by the Steering Committee on the proposal of the Secretary General.

2. His/her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every 2 years.

3. The Director of Human Resources may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of Director of Human Resources by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect from 3 days after the communication.

4. The Director of Human Resources appoints one to two Deputy Human Resources Managers subject to the approval of the Secretary General.

5. The Deputy Director of Human Resources has unlimited duration subject to renewal every 2 years, may resign at any time by informing the Director of Human Resources in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Deputy Director of Human Resources by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect 3 days after the communication.

6. The Human Resources team must:

a. Coordinate and manage the activities of the Association staff and authors at national and international level;

b. Prepare training and personal growth paths for members within the Association and its divisions and sections;

c. Propose to the Steering Committee and to the Secretary General solutions of personnel management for the opening of new national and international activities according to the needs of the Association;

d. Keep the Secretary General updated on the national and international activities of the members of the Mondo Internazionale Associations with the support of the Coordinator for the International Activities.

7. The Human Resources team makes use, where possible, of a Human Resources Representative for each Mondo Internazionale-Nation present in other countries. This/her International-Country Human Resources Representative has the task of communicating the activities of the national and international staff of his/her Association and of informing the Human Resources Director of any irregularities.

8. The Director of Human Resources must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his/her behalf of the Vice-President, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non computer programs useful for carrying out the Association's activities.

9. The Deputy Director of Human Resources must have access with the authorization of the President, or in his/her place of the Vice-President, and the Director of Human Resources to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non computer programs useful for carrying out the Association's activities.

10. The Director of Human Resources assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties and those under his/her direct direction. It is also civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

11. The Deputy Director of Human Resources assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association in case of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his/her associative functions and outside of them.

12. The Human Resources Director, subject to the approval of the Secretary General, may appoint one or more Human Resources Representative, with the task of supporting the Director and the Deputy Director in the organization and performance of the team's activities as indicated in art. 28 paragraph 6. The office of the Representative has unlimited duration subject to renewal every 2 years. The Human Resources Representative may resign at any time by informing the Human Resources Director in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of Human Resources Director by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

13. The Human Resources Representative must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice-President, and the Human Resources Director, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs useful for carrying out the Association's activities.

14. The Human Resources Representative assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties and those under his direct direction. It is also liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behavior or in violation of internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

15. In the international context in which the Association operates, the Responsible for Human Resources is identified as the "HR Business Partner of Mondo Internazionale".


Article 28


1. The Logistics and Events team is coordinated and managed by the Director for External Relations, whose office is regulated by Chap. 1 Art. 11 of this Regulation.

2. The Director for External Relations elects from one to two Deputy Manager of Logistics and Events (see Art.28a), with exclusive delegation for the coordination and organization of the physical and virtual events of the Association, subject to the approval of the General Secretary.

3. The Deputy Manager of Logistics and Events has an unlimited duration upon renewal every two years, he/she can resign at any time by informing the Director for External Relations in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Executive Board considers it necessary, it can revoke the office of Deputy Manager of Logistics and Events by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Executive Board takes effect 3 days after the notification.

4. The organization of events and the respective logistics include:

a. The coordination, management and preparation of agreements with third parties to be proposed to the External Relations team and to the Strategic Planning team regarding the Association's activities at national and international level;

b. Assistance to the Presidency and the External Relations team in the stipulation of agreements with third parties to be proposed regarding the activities of the Association at national and international level;

c. Definition and planning of the events required by the Mondo Internazionale Association for carrying out its activities, both national and international, taking care of the Logistics and Events on site;

d. Evaluation, in concert with the Planning, Business Plan and Euro-Planning team, of the possibility of accessing calls for funding for the organization of the Association's events;

e. Organization, in concert with the Planning, Business Plan and Euro-Planning team, of specific events to enhance Mondo Internazionale's fundraising and branding activities in Italy and abroad;

f. Management and coordination of the transfers of the Association's staff for the performance of the Association's national and international activities.

7. The Director for External Relations may make use, where possible, of a Logistics and Events Representative for each Mondo Internazionale Association-Nation present in other countries. This Logistics and Events-Nation Representative has the task of communicating, coordinating and managing the events of his own Association and assisting the organization of events with the Mondo Internazionale logo at national and international level, as well as informing the Director for External Relations of any irregularities.

Article 28a


1. The Director for External Relations elects one to two Vice-Directors of Logistics and Events (see Art. 28 subparagraph 2). The Deputy Director of Logistics and Events is elected for the exclusive management of the Association's event organization activities. The competence is divided, among the Vice-Directors, for internal or external events to the Association.

2. For internal events, we mean events organized exclusively within the Association and which do not involve the participation of external speakers. The Deputy Director of Logistics and Internal Events has the task of coordinating the organization of events with the participation of only speakers associated with Mondo Internazionale according to the procedures established by the Operating Manual (Section III, 3.5.2.).

3. By external events, we mean the events organized by the Mondo Internazionale Association that involve the participation of speakers from outside of it. The Deputy Director of Logistics and External Events has the task of coordinating the organization of events with the participation of internal and external speakers of the Association, with the help of the External Relations team, according to the procedures established by the Operating Manual (Section III, 3.5.2, 3.5.3.).

4. The Director for External Relations, subject to the approval of the Secretary General, may elect one or more Logistics and Events Referrals, with the possibility of exclusive competence for internal or external events (Logistics and Internal Events Representative, Logistics and External Events), with the task of supporting the Deputy Directors in the organization of the relevant events in accordance with the provisions of Art. 28 subparagraph 6. The office of the Representative has an unlimited duration subject to renewal every 2 years. The Logistics and Events Representative may resign at any time by informing the Director for External Relations in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of Logistics and Events Contact by a qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect 3 days after the notification.

5. The Logistics and Events Representative must have access with the authorization of the President, or in his place of the Vice-President, and of the Director for External Relations, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programs, useful for carrying out associative activities.

6. The Logistics and Events Representative assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage deriving from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties and those subjected to to its direct direction. Furthermore, he/she is civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behavior or in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his/her associative functions and outside of them.

Article 29


1. The Presidents of the National Associations are the Presidents of the associations identified by the name "Mondo Internazionale-Nation", where "nation" indicates the country in which the Association is registered.

2. The Presidents of the National Associations are coordinated by the Secretary General to carry out the activities deliberated by the International Steering Committee as indicated in art. 30.

3. The President of the National Associations have criminal and civil responsibility for the activities carried out in representation of the Mondo Internazionale-Nation Association, in no way attributable to the Mondo Internazionale Association.

Article 30


1. The formation and competences of the Board of Arbitrators are established by art. 13 of the Statute.

2. The jurisdiction of the ordinary judge in any other field, and in particular in the assessment of civil and criminal liability and compensation for damages, shall remain unaffected.

3. The members of the Board of Arbitrators must conform their conduct to criteria of absolute confidentiality in relation to facts, acts, news and documentation of which they become aware in the exercise of their mandate.

4. The members of the Board of Arbitrators must abstain:

a. From expressing orally or in writing judgments and/or opinions regarding facts and/or circumstances potentially subject to disciplinary action;

b. From participating in the formation of the deliberations of the Board of Statutory Auditors if they are personally involved or are related and/or relatives up to the third degree.

5. The President of the Board of Arbitrators shall convene the meeting in the cases and within the terms specified in the following articles.

6. The Board of Arbitrators is duly constituted with the presence of all three members and resolves by majority vote.

7. On the basis of an unanimous agreement of the members, meetings in attendance may be replaced by remote communications and deliberations, by electronic mail or other computer and telematic systems.

8. In case of forfeiture of one of the effective members, the replacement will be made with the first of the alternates, without any interruption of any proceedings in progress.

In case of ascertained impossibility of one of the effective members to carry out the task for more than 15 days, intervened during the delay of a procedure, the first of the substitutes will be temporarily replaced. The replacement will not entail the interruption of proceedings and the alternate will remain in office until the conclusion of the individual proceedings in progress.

9. In the event that the proceedings are or are brought on the recommendation of one of the members of the Board of Arbitrators, the same shall be temporarily replaced by the first of the alternates.

10. The Board of Arbitrators can order any investigative act, access the association's documentation, acquire opinions, listen to texts. In the case of particularly complex judgements, it may also appoint external consultants, subject to verification of the relative availability of expenses in the case of professional services for consideration.

11. The Board of Arbitrators dictates, in relation to the specific cases, the rules and terms of the further stages of the procedure, ensuring in any case that the parties are heard, including by arranging for a personal hearing.

12. The initiation of proceedings and the final decisions of the Board of Arbitrators shall be notified to the parties or interested parties within the following 10 (ten) days by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

13. The President of the Association, regularly informed of the procedures and decisions of the College, where necessary, shall take care of their implementation.

14. Within 10 (ten) days from the conclusion of each procedure, the President of the Board shall deposit the relevant documentation in the archives of the Association. The delivery note must contain a list of the attachments with a brief description of their nature and content.

15. The President of the Association must attend the meetings of the Board of Arbitrators without voting rights, must maintain secrecy in relation to facts, acts, news and documentation of which he becomes aware.

16. The Board of Arbitrators must, where convened, deliberate on international disputes between the Mondo Internazionale and its associated associations indicated as "Mondo Internazionale- Nation". In this case the Board of Arbitrators is composed of three members: one appointed by the Mondo Internazionale, one appointed by "Mondo Internazionale- Nation" and one appointed by the two parties by common agreement.


Article 31


1. The composition and functions of the Board of Auditors are listed in Article 14 of the Articles of Association. Each member is eligible for re-election and can only be rejected for just cause.

2. The President of the Board of Auditors is required to convene the Board of Auditors and is responsible for keeping the minutes.

3. A person who is in the conditions provided for by Article 2382 of the Italian Civil Code cannot assume the position of Auditor.

4. In the event of the death, resignation or forfeiture of a member of the Board, the alternate member entitled to vote and/or age takes over. If the number of alternate members is insufficient to ensure the composition of the Board of Auditors, the same shall be integrated at the first useful Shareholders' Meeting.

5. The responsibilities of the Auditors are those provided for by art. 2407 of the Italian Civil Code.

6. The Auditors may attend meetings of the Steering Committee, the Steering Committee and the Assemblies to which they may be invited.

7. On the mandate of the Steering Committee of the structure to which it belongs, it is the duty of the Board of Auditors to intervene in the lower structures, relating to the structure to which it belongs and for knowledge of the structure concerned.

8. The functions of control over the accounts and budgets of the Association are exercised with the collaboration of the Treasurer, in order to make the activities carried out by the Association transparent.

9. The Board of Auditors exercises control over the legitimacy of the acts, expenses and revenues of the central bodies in relation to the budget and the deliberative compliance as well as the verification of all accounting documents in collaboration with the Treasury.

10. The outcome of this activity shall be communicated in writing to the President.

11. The Board of Auditors is convened by its President, through the Secretary who acts as Chancellery of the College.

12. The notice of call is communicated to the members of the Board of Statutory Auditors at least 5 days before the meeting, except in cases where it is necessary to adopt urgent resolutions.

13. In the performance of its institutional duties, the Board may carry out periodic inspections of the books kept by the Treasurer.

Article 32


1. The International Steering Committee is composed of the members of the Mondo Internazionale Steering Committee and the Presidents of the Associations "Mondo Internazionale-Nation".

2. The International Steering Committee is convened every 3 months starting from January 2020, 30 days before, by e-mail from the President of the Mondo Internazionale.

3. The International Steering Committee decides on the international activities of the Mondo Internazionale Association and its associated associations, such as "Mondo Internazionale- Nation".

4. The International Steering Committee decides by qualified majority of those present. The International Steering Committee referred to in art. 30 paragraph 5 enjoys veto power over all decisions taken within this body.

5. The members of the Mondo Internazionale Steering Committee have veto power, if and only if at least 2/3 of the members of the Mondo Internazionale Steering Committee agree on the matter.

6. Each member of the International Steering Committee has one vote.

7. Proxies are allowed, and each member may have a maximum of 2 proxies. Proxies are valid only if sent by e-mail to the President with an identity document attached.

8. The session is valid if presided over by the President of Mondo Internazionale, or in his place, the Vice-President, or the Secretary General of Mondo Internazionale and a Secretary chosen from among the members of the Steering Committee of Mondo Internazionale.

Article 33


1. Those who intend to become Ordinary Members of the Association must apply in writing through the form "become an Associate" on the website. A self-certification must be inserted in the application form in which the candidate declares whether he has suffered criminal convictions or has criminal charges pending in Italy or abroad, specifying, if so, the crimes for which he has been convicted or is under investigation. To this form it is necessary to attach a copy of a valid identification document (Identity Card or Passport), conforming to the provisions of the law of the Italian State, and a copy of the Curriculum Vitae. It is also necessary to include the acceptance of rights for the protection of privacy and the assumption of any civil and criminal liability for any activity carried out within the Association, including the responsibility for what is disclosed in a personal capacity through Mondo Internazionale channels.

2. Specifying what is provided for in art. 4 of the Statute of the Mondo Internazionale, the Steering Committee may appoint Ordinary Associates those who have particular competence in the areas of interest to the Association's activities.

3. Ordinary Associates who resign in order to take up a paid position in the Association, at the end of such position, may apply for readmission as Ordinary Associates.

4. The Steering Committee shall decide on the admission of the applications, referred to in the previous articles, with its own unquestionable judgement in the first meeting held after the submission of the application or in the immediately following one, if it is necessary to obtain further clarifications or cognitive elements. In order to simplify admission, the Steering Committee may elect by qualified majority a delegate from among its members to check and decide on applications for admission.

5. Ordinary and Honorary Members have the right to vote in the Assembly and are also entitled to the active and passive electorate for the appointment of corporate offices. Ordinary and Honorary Associates may be represented in the Assembly by another ordinary Associate; no Associate, however, may hold more than three proxies. Proxies for the election of the Steering Committee are not admitted.

6. Members are required to pay the annual membership fee in the amount and in the manner established each year by the Steering Committee.
The actual admission is determined by an official e-mail certifying the association at Mondo Internazionale.

7. The status of associate is lost in the cases provided for in art. 5 of the Statute. The exclusion of an Associate from the Association is deliberated by the Assembly on the proposal of the Steering Committee if the Associate does not comply with the provisions contained in the Statute, in this regulation and in any other act adopted by the bodies of the Association, or the decisions taken by the competent bodies, carries out activities contrary to the interests of the Association, materially or morally damages it, foments disagreements and unrest among members, does not fulfill its obligations to the Association.

8. Cases of inefficient or harmful associates shall be reported to the Presidency by each associate who becomes aware of them. The Secretary General, having carried out the preliminary activity in agreement with the Vice-President, if necessary, will report in writing to the President who will adopt the appropriate measures during the meeting of the Steering Committee, also in accordance with art. 5 of the Statute. In cases of absolute urgency, the President will take the appropriate initiatives in accordance with art. 3 of the Rules of Procedure present in Chapter 1.

9. The deceased or excluded member or the heirs of the deceased member have no right to repeat any fees paid, nor can they claim any rights on the movable and immovable property of the Association and they are required to meet the obligations validly assumed by the member in constant company relations.

10. The Ordinary Member, who has not paid the membership fee for a period of three months following two written reprimands by the Association made three months apart from each other, shall forfeit his title upon decision of the Steering Committee.

11. Each member consents to the publication, use, reproduction, diffusion and transfer to the Association's partners of photographs, videos or other audiovisual materials made during the Association's activities and portraying them, by the Association and through its official channels. The photographic and audiovisual materials collected by the Association are used exclusively for the Association's activities and their promotion through the official communication channels of Mondo internazionale. Members may request, at any time, the elimination and deletion of photographic and audiovisual materials in which their image is portrayed and made public by the Mondo Internazionale Association, by sending written communication to the Legal consulting team of the same.

12. If the ordinary member does not carry out any activity for more than 60 consecutive days within the Association, the latter is automatically granted the status of 'Supporting Associate'.
The supporting Associate has access to all the services offered by the Mondo Internazionale Association provided after registering with the same and paying the membership fee.
The supporting Associate has the right to take part in the activities of the association at any time after checking the necessary requirements for the correct and profitable performance of the activities.

13. Should there be any relevant changes included in the Curriculum Vitae and/or in the Identity Document used at the time of joining the Association, the Associate undertakes to notify and provide said updated documentation to the Secretariat, using official channels or by e-mail. Notify and provide said updated documentation to the Secretariat, via official channels or via email.


Article 34


1. The convocation of the Assembly upon request pursuant to art. 10 par. 5 of the Statute must be made within thirty days of receipt of the request. In default the convocation will be made by the President.

2. As an exception to the provisions of art. 10 par. 8, the second convocation of the Members' Meeting may be held one hour after the first one. The agenda of the General Assembly shall be published by the Steering Committee at least 10 days before the General Assembly of the Members; therefore, any requests for the inclusion of other items by the Members, which include resolutions of the Assembly, must be received by the Committee at least 20 days in advance, in order to prepare the necessary documentation for discussion. Exceptionally, the Members may submit to the President of the Assembly, at the opening of the same, written memoirs on topics to be included among the "various and possible": the President has the right to decide on the admissibility of the topics or their referral to other bodies of the Association.

3. In the meeting for the approval of the Association's three-year plans, in consideration of the wide involvement of Members since the drafting phase and in view of the possibility offered to all to make amendments over many months, as well as the specific request made to all Members to send any amendment proposals by September 1, only the amendment proposals submitted in writing by at least ten ordinary Members will be discussed in the Assembly. The other proposals will instead go to the Steering Committee for further examination.

Article 35


1. In the case of transfers, 2nd class tickets by train, economy class tickets by air, hotels in categories higher than 2 stars and lower than 5 stars, reimbursement at the foot of the list for meals and drinks are used. Refunds for stays not exceeding € 100,00 per day. Refund for lunch for an amount not exceeding euro 20,00. Refund for dinner for an amount not exceeding euro 20,00. Any travel must be made by the President after consulting the Secretary General and the Treasurer.

2. In the case of travel outside the European Union, the President, after consulting the Secretary General and the Treasurer, has the power to increase and/or reduce, once the currency exchange and the costs necessary for the trip have been assessed, the maximum amount of stay and consumption by 20%.

3. In case of using one's own car, subject to the authorization of the Steering Committee and the President after consulting the Secretary General and the Treasurer, the mileage reimbursement rates will be calculated on the basis of ACI tables according to the latest available update and published in the Official Journal. The mileage refund does not include the motorway toll for which the receipt of payment must be presented.

4. For the calculation of the mileage reimbursement, the place of departure shall be considered the domicile of the member.

5. Reimbursement must be requested from the Treasurer within 20 days of return from the trip with the presentation of the expense reimbursement form and the payment receipt in original copy. All refunds, except in extraordinary cases, shall be issued within 70 days from the date of submission of the form and made by bank transfer.

6. Extraordinary cases for early repayment, decided by the Steering Committee and the President after consulting the Secretary General and the Treasurer, are:

a. Amount exceeding euro 500,00 (transport and accommodation costs);

b. Early repayment of 20% or 25% of the expenses;

c. Transfers organized by the Association itself for the performance of associative activities.

7. The reimbursement of the unauthorized stay during the approval of the trip is allowed when this does not depend on the direct will of the member but on causes of force majeure that prevent the return during the day, there is evidence to confirm it.

8. Cases for which reimbursement is not allowed are:

a. Stay and/or travel that have not been previously discussed and authorised by the President after consulting the Secretary General and the Treasurer, with the exception of that mentioned in Article 6;

b. Absence of documentation proving the costs incurred to be reimbursed;

c. Request for reimbursement made to the Treasurer after the time limits mentioned in Article 4.

9. Mondo Internazionale Representation trips are generally made by or on behalf of the President or the Vice-President. Such trips involve the need to:

a. Legal representation of the Association;

b. Signing or discussing Collaboration Agreements, opening of offices;

c. Representation of the Association at events or debates or if requested by the third party.

10. Organizational transfers of project preparation, presentation of individual projects and everything indicated in these Regulations are carried out according to the specific tasks of each member, generally carried out by the Secretary General and/or the General Manager.

Article 36


1. The logo of Mondo Internazionale is represented in every official channel and document of the Association.

Any use of the logo by any Associate authorized by the Steering Committee must faithfully reproduce the logo itself in characters and colours:

2. This name and logo are protected in Italy and in the main foreign countries where the Association's programmes take place.

3. In the case of the "Mondo Internazionale-Nation" Associations, the logo indicated in art. 24 paragraph 1 provides for the addition of the reference "Nation".


Article 37


1. The activity of Mondo Internazionale is programmed in annual, three-year and five-year cycles through plans proposed by the Assembly and approved by the Steering Committee. These plans are translated into annual work plans drawn up by the Secretariat under the supervision of the Secretary General assisted by the President.

2. The Association is responsible for creating a link between the realities of international young people and companies, creating synergies aimed at increasing the values of society and providing development and innovation to companies.

3. Mondo Internazionale Association is committed to initiating activities with a high social impact in the fields of information, training and research. In pursuit of this objective, Mondo Internazionale Association operates through four divisions (Mondo Internazionale Post, Mondo Internazionale Academy, Mondo Internazionale Hub and Mondo Internazionale G.E.O.), which are governed by their own Regulations;

4. The models of the four divisions through which Mondo Internazionale operates are in no way replicable outside the Association. Should this occur, the Steering Committee reserves the right to take the necessary measures to request the expulsion of the member from the Mondo Internazionale Association and the division in which it operates. In addition, the Steering Committee reserves the right to take such action as may be necessary to require reparations in the event that damage is found to the Mondo Internazionale Association.

5. Members operating within the four divisions of Mondo Internazionale must comply with the internal regulations of the Mondo Internazionale Association in all respects.

Article 38


1. The Editorial staff of the Mondo Internazionale Association is represented by the section in charge of the editing, publication and translation activities that take place within the website of the Mondo Internazionale Association.

2. The Editorial Staff and its activities are coordinated by the Editorial Director, who must organize and coordinate the work of proofreading and translation according to the guidelines established by the Steering Committee of the Association. The Editorial Director works in concert with the Deputy Editorial Directors if they are present.

Article 38a


1. The Head of Proofreading and Translation assists the Editor-in-Chief in managing and supervising the activities of the Proofreading and Translation Teams.

2. The Head of Proofreading and Translation is appointed by the Editor-in-Chief with the approval of the Secretary-General. His or her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every two years. The Head of Proofreadig and Translation may resign at any time by informing the Steering Committee in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the position of Head of Proofreading and Translation, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect 3 days after the communication.

3. All information that the Head of Proofreading and Translation handles concerning the Association and the organisation of its internal and external activities is confidential. If knowledge and information is required outside the Association, any communication must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief with a written request from the Head of Proofreading and Translation.

4. The Head of Proofreading and Translation shall have access, with the authorisation of the President, or in his/her place the Vice-President, and the Editor-in-Chief, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programmes useful for the performance of the Association's activities.

Access is granted permanently for the platform for publishing content on the Association's website.

5. In the international context in which the Association operates, he is identified as the "Head of Proofreading and Translation of Mondo Internazionale".

6. The Head of Proofreading and Translation assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his or her duties and those of those under his or her direct management. It is also civilly and criminally liable for any unlawful conduct or breach of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of its association functions and outside of them.


Article 39


1. The Proofreading team is coordinated and managed by the Proofreading Coordinator, under the supervision of the Head of Proofreading and Translation.

2. The Proofreading Coordinator is appointed by the Head of Editing and Translation, subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. His or her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every two years. The Proofreading Coordinator may resign at any time, informing the Head of Editing and Translation in advance in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the position of Head of Proofreading by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect 3 days after the communication.

3. The Proofreading Coordinator appoints one to two Deputy Coordinators with the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. The Deputy Coordinators undertake to coordinate the activities of the Proofreading team and to replace the Proofreading Coordinator if necessary. In the event of resignation, the Vice-coordinators must inform the Proofreading Coordinator in advance in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the office of Deputy Drafting Coordinator, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect 3 days after the communication.

4. The Proofreading team operates through the Proofreaders. The Proofreader is appointed by the Head of Proofreading and Translation with the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. In the event of resignation, the Proofreader must inform the Head of Proofreading and Translation in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the position of Proofreader, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect 3 days after the communication.

5. The Proofreaders, under the supervision of the Proofreading Coordinator and/or the Vice-Coordinators, shall:

a. Review and correct all content that is published on and linked to the website;

b. Coordinate the publications of the Mondo Internazionale Association;

c. Manage and plan, in agreement with the Communications team, the dates and times of programming and publication of content;

d. Correcting the content of publications according to correct grammatical vocabulary that cannot be misunderstood;

e. Verify the veracity of the contents;

f. Prohibit the publication of content that violates current regulations and is offensive to society.

6. All information that the Proofreading Coordinator and consequently his Deputy Coordinators handle concerning the Association and the organisation of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential. If knowledge and information is required outside the Association, any communication must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief with a written request from the Proofreading Coordinator.

7. The Proofreading Team shall, wherever possible, employ a Proofreader for each Mondo Internazionale Association-Nation present in other countries. This Proofreader is responsible for checking the content of their Association and informing the Proofreading Coordinator of any irregularities.

8. The Proofreading Coordinator must have access, with the authorisation of the Head of Proofreading and Translation and the Editor-in-Chief, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programmes useful for the performance of the Association's activities.

Access is granted permanently to the platform for publishing content on the Association's website.

9. In the international context in which the Association operates, he is identified as "Supervisor of Proofreading of Mondo Internazionale".

10. The Vice-Coordinators must have access, with the authorisation of the Head of Proofreading and Translation and the Coordinator of Proofreading, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programmes useful for the performance of the Association's activities. Access is granted permanently to the platform for publishing content on the Association's website.

11. In the international context in which the Association operates he is identified as "Deputy Supervisor of Proofreading of Mondo Internazionale".

12. The Proofreading Coordinator assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or breach of duty in the performance of his duties and those of those under his direct direction. It is also liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful behaviour or violation of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of its association functions and outside of them.

13. The Vice-Coordinator assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. The Vice-Coordinator is also liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful behaviour or behaviour in breach of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his or her duties as an Association member and outside of these.

14. The Proofreader shall have access, with the authorisation of the Proofreading Coordinator, or in his/her place the Deputy Proofreading Coordinator, and the Head of Proofreading and Translation to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programmes useful for the performance of the Association's activities.

Access is granted permanently to the platform for publishing content on the Association's website.

11. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Proofreader of Mondo Internazionale".

14. The Proofreader assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. Furthermore, he/she is liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful conduct or behaviour in violation of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his/her association duties and outside of them.

Article 40


1. The Translation team is coordinated and managed by the Translation Coordinator and is characterised by the presence of a Chief Translator for each official language of translation. The Translation Team relies on the work of Translators, appointed by the Translation Coordinator with the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. The Translator may resign at any time by informing the Translation Coordinator in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. Should the Steering Committee deem it necessary, it may, by qualified majority vote, revoke the position of Translator, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect three days after the communication.

2. The Translation Coordinator is appointed by the Head of Proofreading and Translation after approval by the Editor-in-Chief. His or her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every two years. The Translation Coordinator may resign at any time, informing the Head of Proofreading and Translation in advance, in writing, 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the position of Translation Coordinator, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect 3 days after the communication. The Translation Coordinator appoints the Chief Translators subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief and the approval of the Head of Proofreading and Translation. In the event of resignation, the Chief Translators must inform the Translation Coordinator in writing 60 days in advance of the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the office of Chief Translator, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect three days after the communication.

3. The Translation Team shall:

a. Translate all public content of the Mondo Internazionale Association;

b. Translate the documents of the Mondo Internazionale Association;

c. Correcting and revising content already translated into the relevant language.

4. All information that the Translation Coordinator and consequently his or her Chief Translators handle concerning the Association and the organisation of its internal and external activities is confidential. If knowledge and information is required outside the Association, any communication must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief with a written request from the Translation Coordinator.

5. Where possible, the Translation Team will employ a translator for each Mondo Internazionale Association country. This translator is responsible for checking the content of his or her own Association and informing the Translation Co-ordinator of any irregularities.

6. The Translation Coordinator must have access, with the authorisation of the Head of Proofreading and Translation and the Editor-in-Chief, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programmes useful for the performance of the Association's activities. Access is permanently granted to the platforms used by the Association for uploading and storing the content to be translated.

7. In the international context in which the Association operates, he is identified as the "Supervisor of Translation of Mondo Internazionale".

8. The Chief Translators must have access, with the authorisation of the Translation Coordinator and the Head of Proofreading and Translation, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programmes useful for carrying out the Association's activities. Access is permanently granted to the platforms used by the Association for uploading and depositing the content to be translated.

9. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Head Translator - Language of Mondo Internazionale".

10. The Translator must have access, with the authorisation of the Translation Coordinator and the Head Translator, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non-computer programmes useful for carrying out the Association's activities. Access is permanently granted to the platforms used by the Association for uploading and storing the content to be translated.

11. In the international context in which the Association operates, it is identified as "Translator - Language of Mondo International".

12. The Translation Coordinator assumes full responsibility for the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his or her duties and those of those under his or her direct management. It is also liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful behaviour or violation of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of its association functions and outside of them.

13. The Chief Translator assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. He is also liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful conduct or conduct in breach of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his duties as a member of the association and outside of it.

14. The Translator assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his duties. The Translator is also liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful conduct or conduct in breach of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his or her duties as a member of the association and outside of it.

15. The foreign language of reference remains English, but the translation of the contents and documentation of the Mondo Internazionale Association may also be extended to other foreign languages such as

a. Spanish;

b. Portuguese;

c. French

d. Chinese;

e. Russian;

f. Arabic.

Article 41


1. The Social Media Management and Advertising team is coordinated and managed by the Director of Communication together with a Social Media Management and Advertising Manager who coordinates the activities of Social Media Managers within the social network channels used by the Association for the publication of content, including, the most important, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. The Social Media Management and Advertising Manager is appointed by the Director of Communication after approval by the Secretary General. His/her term of office is unlimited subject to renewal every 2 years. The Social Media Management and Advertising Manager may resign at any time by informing the Director of Communication in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority, he or she may revoke the position of Social Media Management and Advertising Manager by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

2. The Social Media Management and Advertising team must:

a. Coordinate and manage the sharing of the Association's material on Social Networks;

b. Share the material of the partners of the Association Mondo Internazionale on Social Networks;

c. Collaborate with the Communication, External Relations and Editorial team to plan an effective activity of sharing the Association's contents.

3. All information that the Social Media Management and Advertising Manager and the Social Media Managers manage about the Association and the organization of internal and external activities is to be considered confidential. If knowledge and information is requested outside the Association, any communication must be approved by the Director of Communication with a written request from the Social Media Management and Advertising Manager.

4. The methods of using the communication channels used are established by the Steering Committee and transmitted to the Team Manager by the Director of Communication.

5. The Director of Communication establishes, together with the Head of the team, which contents can be published on the Social channels of the Mondo Internazionale Association as decided by the Steering Committee.

6. The Steering Committee reserves the right to decide at any time to discontinue the publication of content on social channels, after giving reasons for such decision.

7. The Social Media Management and Advertising team uses, where possible, a Social Media Manager for each Mondo Internazionale-Nation Association present in other countries. This/her Social Media Manager of Mondo Internazionale-Nation is responsible for verifying the contents of their Association and informing the Social Media Manager of any irregularities.

8. The Mondo Internazionale Association reserves the right to use social communication channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and any other Social Network available to promote and disseminate the activities of the Association in Italy and abroad in order to expand the association network and the resonance of the aims and objectives.

9. The management of the publication of the content is coordinated by the Social Media Management and Advertising Manager and is carried out by the Social Media Managers, who are divided for each social network channel used (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter). The Social Media Manager is appointed by the Social Media Management and Advertising Manager after approval by the Director of Communication. His/her or her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every 2 years. The Social Media Manager may resign at any time by informing the Director of Communication in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the office of Social Media Manager by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication

10. The Director of Communication, together with the Social Media and Advertising Manager, must coordinate the activity of the Social Media Manager on all Social Network platforms used by the Mondo Internazionale Association according to the work plan prepared by the Communication team.

11. The Social Media Manager must:

a. Plan and manage the sharing of the Association's material on the channel assigned to him/her by the Social Media Management and Advertising Manager in agreement with the Director of Communication;

b. Share the material of the partners of the Association Mondo Internazionale on Social Networks;

c. Collaborate with the Communication, External Relations and Editorial team to plan an effective activity of sharing the Association's contents.

12. The Social Media Management and Advertising Manager and the Social Media Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President, or in his/her place of the Vice-President, and the Director of Communication to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non computer programs useful for the performance of the Association's activities.

Access is allowed permanently for the sharing and publication of content on the Association's social network channels.

13. The Social Media Management and Advertising Manager assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties and those under his/her direct direction. Likewise, he or she is liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his/her or her associative functions and outside of them.

14. The Social Media Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties. Likewise, he or she is liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his/her or her associative functions and outside of them.

Article 42


1. The Social Media Management and Advertising team is supported by a team dedicated to the publication of the newsletter of the Mondo Internazionale Association, with a frequency established by the Director of Communication and the Newsletter Manager, appointed by the Director of Communication, subject to the approval of the Secretary General. His/her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every 2 years. The Newsletter Manager may resign at any time by informing the Director of Communication in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, by qualified majority, he or she may revoke the position of Newsletter Manager by giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

2. The newsletter management team must:

a. Coordinate and manage the sharing of the activities and developments of the Association through newsletters, to be sent by e-mail to the list of members periodically;

b. Share the material of the partners of the Mondo Internazionale Association within the newsletter, if requested or provided for by collaboration agreements;

c. Collaborate with the Communication, External Relations and Editorial team to plan an effective activity of sharing the Association's contents through the newsletter;

d. Periodically check the data of subscribers to the newsletter and propose to the Director of Communication evaluations regarding the positive or negative performance of the activity.

3. All information that the Newsletter Manager and team members manage about the Association and the organization of internal and external activities is confidential. If knowledge and information is requested outside the Association, any communication must be approved by the Director of Communication with a written request from the Newsletter Manager.

4. The modalities of use of the platform for the creation and diffusion of the newsletter are established by the Director of Communication and transmitted to the Team Manager by the Director himself.

5. The Director of Communication establishes, together with the team Manager, which contents can be published in the newsletter of the Mondo Internazionale Association as decided by the Steering Committee.

6. The Steering Committee reserves the right to decide at any time to discontinue publication in the newsletter, subject to the reasons for such decision.

7. The team in charge of managing the newsletter uses, where possible, a referent for each Mondo Internazionale-Nation Association present in other countries. This/her Mondo Internazionale- Nation Referent has the task of verifying the contents of his/her Association and to inform the Newsletter Manager of any irregularities.

8. The Mondo Internazionale Association reserves the right to promote the subscription to the newsletter within its website and social channels, as well as other platforms used for association activities, by its members and its public.

9. The creation of the newsletter template and the management of the contents to be included in it is coordinated by the Newsletter Manager. The Newsletter Manager must coordinate the work of the Newsletter Editor, who is responsible for organising and publishing the contents of the newsletter. The Newsletter Editor is appointed by the Newsletter Manager subject to the approval of the Director of Communication. His/her or her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every 2 years. The Newsletter Editor may resign at any time by informing the Director of Communication in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the appointment of the Newsletter Editor by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

10. The Director of Communication, together with the Newsletter Editor, must coordinate the activity of the Newsletter Editor regarding the management and publication of the newsletter within the platforms used by the Mondo Internazionale Association for the activity and according to the work plan prepared by the Communication team.

11. The Newsletter Editor must:

a. Create and manage content to be published in the Mondo Internazionale Association newsletter according to the guidelines provided by the Director of Communication and the Newsletter Manager;

b. Plan to send the Newsletter periodically and make sure that all subscribers' e-mail addresses are entered;

c. Provide opinions, suggestions and recommendations to the Newsletter Manager and the Director of Communication on future developments of the newsletter.

12. The Newsletter Editor and the Newsletter Editor must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his/her behalf of the Vice-President, and the Director of Communication, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non computer programs useful for carrying out the Association's activities.

Access is allowed permanently for the sharing and publication of the Association's newsletter.

13. The Responsible for the Newsletter assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform their duties and those under their direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

14. The Newsletter Editor assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform its duties. It is also liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.


Article 43


1. The Data Monitoring and Analysis team for Communication and Strategic Planning is dedicated to the periodic and constant analysis of the data collected by the online platforms through which the communication activities of the Mondo Internazionale Association are carried out. The objective of this/her analysis is to obtain objective information to evaluate the overall performance of the Association's communication strategy and to elaborate opinions and recommendations to improve it. The Monitoring and Data Analysis team for Communication and Strategic Planning operates under the supervision of the Marketing and Communication Specialist (see Chapter 3, art. 20), which works in collaboration with the Communication team and the Strategic Planning, Euro-planning and Business Plan team.

2. The Data Monitoring and Analysis team for Strategic Planning and Communication must:

a. Collect data useful for the overall evaluation of the Association's communication strategy;

b. Provide, on the basis of the data collected and analyses carried out, non-binding opinions and recommendations to the Director of Communication on how to improve the strategy applied;

c. Draw up periodic reports in which to include the above evaluations and analyses accompanied by the data collected during the reference period;

d. Define useful strategies to improve efficiency in the use of computer programs that affect the positive or negative trend of communication;

e. Provide non-binding opinions and recommendations also to the Director of Strategic Planning regarding the progress of the Association's activities and projects based on the data collected.

3. All information that the Marketing and Communication Specialist and team members manage about the Association and the organization of internal and external activities is confidential. If knowledge and information is requested outside the Association, any communication must be approved by the Director of Communication or the Director of Strategic Planning, depending on the competence on the information handled, by written request from the Marketing and Communication Specialist.

4. The methods of data collection and analysis are established by the Marketing and Communication Specialist in agreement with the Director of Communication and the Director of Strategic Planning. The data collected are used for the formulation of ad hoc strategies for the achievement of the Association's objectives both from a communication and planning point of view.

5. The Marketing and Communication Specialist establishes, in agreement with the Director of Communication and the Director of Strategic Planning, which data to collect and analyze according to the task entrusted to the Monitoring and Data Analysis team for Communication and Strategic Planning.

6. The Steering Committee reserves the right to decide at any time to interrupt the activity, after giving reasons for such decision.

7. The Monitoring and Data Analysis team for Communication and Strategic Planning, uses, where possible, a Referent for each Mondo Internazionale- Nation Association present in other countries. This/her Mondo Internazionale- Nation Referent has the task of verifying the contents of his/her Association and to inform the Newsletter Manager of any irregularities.

8. The Mondo Internazionale Association reserves the right to use all the software and all the practices considered useful and necessary to carry out the activity of monitoring and data analysis.

9. The Marketing and Communication Specialist works by coordinating the work of the Data Analyst, the team members responsible for monitoring the data collection process and analyzing the data collected. The Data Analyst for Communication and Strategic Planning is appointed by the Marketing and Communication Specialist with the approval of the Director of Communication. His/her term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every 2 years. The Data Analyst may resign at any time by informing the Director of Communication in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the appointment of Data Analyst by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee shall take effect 3 days after the communication.

10. The Data Analyst must:

a. Carry out the activity of data collection and analysis according to the indications provided by Marketing and Communication Specialist ;

b. Draw up documents containing recommendations and non-binding opinions to be submitted to the attention of the Director of Communication and the Director of Strategic Planning, subject to approval by the Marketing and Communication Specialist;

c. Contributing to the definition of the best strategies to be implemented within the Strategic Communication and Planning, Euro-planning and Business Plan teams to strengthen the activity itself.

12. The Marketing and Communication Specialist and the Data Analyst must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his/her behalf of the Vice-President, and the Director of Communication and/or the Director of Strategic Planning, depending on the area of competence, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non computer programs useful for the performance of the Association's activities. Access is permanently allowed for the software and platforms used for data collection and analysis.

13. The Marketing and Communication Specialist assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform its duties and those under its direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

14. The Data Analyst assumes full responsibility for the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform its duties. The Data Analyst shall also be civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its membership functions and outside of them.

Article 44


1. The Graphics and Design team for Communication is coordinated and managed by the Graphics Manager, who works closely with the Director of Communication. The team is characterized by the presence of Associates specialized in graphic design, who have the task of producing visual materials to support the Communication activity of the Mondo Internazionale Association. The Graphics and Design for Communication team works within the Communication team to ensure effective and continuous coordination between them.

2. The Graphics and Design team for Communication must:

a. Support the Communication team in publishing content on all offline and online channels used by Mondo Internazionale Association;

b. Use only the software and graphic design platforms recognized and made available by the Association under license;

c. Develop graphic formats to be adapted to the content developed by the Communication team, according to the needs of the team and approved by the same;

d. Taking care of the visual image of the website and brand of the Association;

e. Prepare graphic layouts for the layout of the Association's paper and digital publications.

3. The Graphics and Design team operates under the supervision of a Graphics Manager, appointed by the Director of Communication after approval by the Secretary General. The term of office is 2 years and may be renewed tacitly with the approval of the Steering Committee. The Graphics Manager may resign at any time by informing the Communication Manager in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of Graphic Manager by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

4. The Graphics Manager may appoint from one to two Deputy Graphics Managers subject to the approval of the Director of Communication. The Deputy Graphic Manager may resign at any time by informing the Communication Manager in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. The term of office is 2 years and may be renewed tacitly with the approval of the Steering Committee. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the office of Deputy Graphic Manager, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication. The Deputy Graphic Manager replaces the Graphic Manager where necessary and is responsible for managing and coordinating all graphic design activities according to his/her competence.

5. The Graphics and Design team for Communication operates according to the guidelines established by the Director of Communication. It is the responsibility of the Graphics Manager to verify that the materials produced by the Graphics and Design for Communication team comply with the guidelines established by the Director of Communication.

6. The Director of Communication has the task of verifying that the graphic materials produced are effectively implemented by the Communication team in carrying out the activities.

7. The Graphics Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President and the Director of Communication, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non computer programs useful for carrying out the Association's activities. Access is allowed permanently for software and computer programs used for design and graphics.

8. The Deputy Graphic Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President and the Graphic Designer, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non computer programs useful for carrying out the Association's activities. Access is allowed permanently for software and computer programs used for design and graphics.

9. The Graphic Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties and those under his/her direction. The Graphic Manager shall also be civilly and criminally liable for any illegal behavior or behavior in violation of internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its membership functions and outside of them.

10. The Deputy Graphic Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation towards the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. Likewise, he is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of his/her associative functions and outside of them.

Article 44a


1. The Graphics and Design for Communication team is supported by one or more Graphic Designers, who work under the supervision of the Graphics Manager and the Vice Graphics Manager. His office has an unlimited duration subject to renewal every 2 years. The Graphic Designer may resign at any time by informing the Graphic Designer in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, a qualified majority may revoke the appointment of Graphic Designer, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

2. The Graphic Designer supports the Graphics and Design team of the Mondo Internazionale Association as stated in art. 44 paragraph 2, according to the indications provided by the Graphic Designer and the Deputy Graphic Designer.

3. The Graphic Designer must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his behalf of the Vice President, and the Graphics Manager, to all the Association's documents, software and computer programs useful for the performance of the Association's activities. Access is allowed permanently for software and computer programs used for design and graphics.

4. The Graphic Designer assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated and the burden of repair to the Association Mondo Internazionale in case of damage resulting from negligence and / or failure to perform its duties. It is also liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behavior or in violation of internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Articolo 45


  1. The Press Relations team of Mondo Internazionale is responsible for coordinating the communication, dissemination and modalities for sharing content regarding the association’s activities, carried out both at national and international level, with online and offline media. The team is equally responsible for the stylistic and content editing of the Organization’s official press releases, published in the dedicated communications channels. The team comprises of two divisions: the Digital Press Relations Division, dedicated to all portals and newspapers operating in the digital market, and the Offline Press Relations Division, focusing on the newspapers that operate in the offline editorial market.
  2. The tasks assigned specifically to the Press Relations team of Mondo Internazionale are the following:
    a. Research collaborations with national and international press organs, operating both online and offline, through which treating, disseminating and sponsoring the Association Mondo Internazionale and its activities, according to the guidelines set by the Steering Committee and the Director of Communications;
    b. Draft press releases aimed at representing, illustrating and presenting the activities of the Association Mondo Internazionale, in order to increase knowledge of the Association and support it in its growth, both at national and international level;
    c. Maintain relations with press bodies that collaborate with the Association to ensure promotion of its activities and in line with its needs;
    d. Edit and draft the press review internal to the Association and facilitate its dissemination via internal channels, for the Association’s own exclusive use. The internal press review aims at presenting, to the Associates of Mondo Internazionale and at the discretion of the Press Relations team, a series of articles taken from online portals of national and international heads on topics of interest to the Association.

3. The Press Relations team of Mondo Internazionale is coordinated by the Head of Press Relations. The Head of Press Relations is appointed by the Director of Communications with the approval of the Secretary General. The appointment lasts two years and is renewable tacitly. The Head of Press Relations has the role of coordinator and general supervisor of the Press Relations activities of the Association Mondo Internazionale. He/she establishes, under the guidance of the Director of Communication and the Executive Committee, the most effective strategies for promoting the activities of the Association and its image through the press. The Head of Press Relations may resign at any point in time by informing the Director of Communications in writing, via email or PEC, 60 days before the effective resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the position of Head of Press Relations, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating the decision through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect 3 days after the official communication. Within the international context in which he/she operates, the Head of Press Relations is identified as the "Head of Press Relations of Mondo Internazionale".

4. All information that the Head of Press Relations handles concerning the Association and its organisation, internal and external activities, plans and future projects, is confidential and may not be disclosed without prior consent of the Director of Communications. If a certain knowledge or information is required outside the Association, the related communication must be approved by the Executive Board upon written request by the Head of Press Relations.

5. The Head of Press Relations must take care of the image of the Association Mondo Internazionale wherever he/she represents it, privately and publicly, respecting the values and principles set out in the Statutes, Regulations, Code of Ethics and their derivatives.

6. The Head of Press Relations shall have access, with the authorisation of the Director of Communications and the President, or in his/her stead the Vice-President, to all documents, software, IT and non-IT programmes in non-admin mode, to the Association's registered and/or operational office and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the purpose of carrying out the Association's activities.

7. The Head of Press Relations assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated, as well as the burden of reparation to the Association Mondo Internazionale in the event of any damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. Furthermore, he/she is liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful conduct or conduct in breach of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his/her duties within and outside the Association.

8. The Head of Press Relations may appoint two Deputy Head of Press Relations, one for the Digital Press Relations Division and one for the Offline Press Relations Division. The Deputy Head of Press Relations is responsible for assisting the Head of Press Relations in managing the team’s activities with exclusive competence for the division to which he/she belongs, as well as in coordinating the members of the team. The Deputy Head of Press Relations is appointed by the Head of Press Relations with the approval of the Director of Communications. The appointment lasts 2 years and is renewable tacitly. The Deputy Head of Press Relations may resign at any time by informing the Head of Press Relations in writing, via email or PEC, 60 days before the effective resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may, by qualified majority, revoke the position of Deputy Head of Press Relations, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect 3 days after the official communication. Within the international context in which he/she operates, the Deputy Head of Press Relations is identified as "Deputy Head of Press Relations of Mondo Internazionale".

9. All information that the Deputy Head of Press Relations deals with concerning the Association and its organisation, internal and external activities, plans and future projects, is confidential and may not be disclosed without prior consent of the Director of Communications. If a certain knowledge or information is required outside the Association, the related communication must be approved by the Executive Board upon written request by the Head of Press Relations.

10. The Deputy Head of Press Relations must take care of the image of the Association Mondo Internazionale wherever he/she represents it, privately and publicly, respecting the values and principles set out in the Statutes, Regulations, Code of Ethics and their derivatives.

11. The Deputy Head of Press Relations shall have access, with the authorisation of the Director of Communications, or in his/her stead the Deputy Director, to all documents, software, IT and non-IT programmes in non-admin mode, to the Association's registered and/or operational office and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the purpose of carrying out the Association's activities.

12. The Deputy Head of Press Relations assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated, as well as the burden of reparation to the Association Mondo Internazionale in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. He/She is also liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful conduct or conduct in breach of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his/her duties within and outside the Association.

13. The Press Relations team operates with the support of the Press Relations Specialist. The appointment lasts 2 years and can be tacitly renewed. The Press Relations Specialist can resign at any time, informing the Head of Press Relations in writing, via email or PEC, 60 days before the effective resignation, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of Press Relations Specialist by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect 3 days after the official communication. Within the international context in which he/she operates, the Press Relations Specialist is identified as the "Press Relations Specialist of Mondo Internazionale". The Press Relations Specialist is placed within one of the two divisions of the team (Digital Press Relations Division or Offline Press Relations Division) according to his/her personal motivation and according to his/her technical skills, following a positive evaluation by the Head of Press Relations. The Press Relations Specialist is responsible for supporting the team in achieving the objectives set to start collaborating with the designated press organs; furthermore, the Press Relations Specialist supports the team in the drafting of internal and external press releases, and in organising and sharing the press review, (c) 2, internal to the Association

14. All information that the Press Relations Specialist deals with concerning the Association and its organisation, internal and external activities, plans and future projects, is confidential and may not be disclosed without prior consent of the Director of Communications. If a certain knowledge or information is required outside the Association, the related communication must be approved by the Executive Board upon written request by the Head of Press Relations.

15. The Press Relations Specialist must take care of the image of the Association Mondo Internazionale wherever he/she represents it, privately and publicly, respecting the values and principles set out in the Statutes, Regulations, Code of Ethics and their derivatives.

16. The Press Relations Specialist shall have access, with the authorisation of the Director of Communications, or in his/her stead the Deputy Director, and of the Head of Press Relations, to all documents, software, IT and non-IT programmes in non-admin mode, to the Association's registered and/or operational office and to any movable and immovable property of the Association for the purpose of carrying out the Association's activities.

17. The Press Relations Specialist assumes full responsibility in carrying out the activities indicated, as well as the burden of reparation to the Association Mondo Internazionale in the event of damage resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. He/She is also liable under civil and criminal law for any unlawful conduct or conduct in breach of internal and statutory regulations committed during the performance of his/her duties within and outside the Association.


Article 46


1. The Sponsorship and Merchandising team is coordinated and managed by the Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager, appointed by the Director of Strategic Planning with the approval of the Secretary General.

2. Its term of office is unlimited, subject to renewal every 2 years.

3. The Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager may resign at any time by informing the Director of Strategic Planning in writing 60 days before the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the position of Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

4. The Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager appoints a Deputy Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager with the approval of the Director of Strategic Planning.

5. The Deputy Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager has unlimited duration subject to renewal every 2 years. The Deputy Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager may resign at any time by informing the Director of Strategic Planning in writing 60 days prior to the actual resignation, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. If the Steering Committee deems it necessary, it may revoke the office of Deputy Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager by qualified majority, giving reasons for the decision in writing and communicating it through official channels. The decision of the Steering Committee takes effect from 3 days after the communication.

4. The Sponsorship and Merchandising team must:

a. Coordinate and manage the creation of the Association's sponsorship and merchandising material;

b. Propose sponsorship initiatives of the Mondo Internazionale Association;

c. Collaborate with the Communication team and the External Relations team to plan an effective sponsorship of the Association.

5. All the information that the Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager and consequently his/her Deputy Manager manage about the Association and the organization of internal and external activities are to be considered confidential. In case of requests for knowledge and information outside the Association, any communication must be approved by the Editorial Manager by written request from the Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager.

6. The management of sponsorship activities are agreed by the Steering Committee in collaboration with the Communication team.

7. The Director of Strategic Planning determines what content may be sponsored through the channels of the Mondo Internazionale Association as decided by the Steering Committee.

8. The Steering Committee reserves the right to decide at any time to discontinue sponsorship, subject to the reasons for such decision.

9. The Sponsorship and Merchandising team makes use, where possible, of a Sponsorship and Merchandising Referent for each Mondo Internazionale- Nation Association present in other countries. This/her International-Country Sponsorship and Merchandising Referent is responsible for verifying the possibility of sponsorship and merchandising of their Association and for informing the Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager of any irregularities.

10. The Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President, or on his/her behalf of the Vice President, and the Director of Strategic Planning, to all documents of the Association, software and computer and non computer programs useful for carrying out association activities.

11. The Deputy Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager must have access, with the authorization of the President, or in his/her place of the Vice President, and the Director of Strategic Planning, to all the Association's documents, software and computer and non computer programs useful to carry out the Association's activities.

12. The Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties and those under his/her direct direction. Likewise, it is liable civilly and criminally for any illicit behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

13. The Deputy Sponsorship and Merchandising Manager assumes full responsibility in the performance of the activities indicated and the burden of reparation to the Mondo Internazionale Association in case of damages resulting from negligence and/or failure to perform his/her duties. It shall also be liable civilly and criminally for any illegal behaviour or behaviour in violation of the internal and statutory rules committed during the performance of its associative functions and outside of them.

Article 47


1. The authors of the Mondo Internazionale Association are represented by all ordinary members who contribute, through written content in the form of articles and/or reports, to the development of the Association's activities and the projects within which they are included on its website.

2. The authors of the Association, also defined as Editors, collaborate within the editorial staff of the Mondo Internazionale Association and their contributions are submitted to the proofreaders for review.

3. Within the individual projects, the activity of the authors is coordinated by the Vice-Manager or Vice-Managers responsible for supervising the editorial activities of the project itself.

4. The authors must:

a. Support the creation of posts, announcements, interviews, videos and infographics about the Association's projects;

b. Propose new ideas and/or initiatives for the creation of post and announcements about the projects of the Mondo Internazionale Association;

c. Collaborate with the Vice Project Managers to plan an effective activity of content creation of the Association.

5. The methods of creating content such as posts, announcements, interviews, videos and infographics are agreed by the Steering Committee in collaboration with the Communication team and the Association's editorial staff.

6. The Editorial Director and the Director of Communication, establish which contents can be shared through the channels of the Mondo Internazionale Association according to what deliberated by the Steering Committee.

7. The Steering Committee reserves the right to decide at any time the interruption of the creation of material such as posts, announcements, interviews, videos and infographics, after giving reasons for such decision.

8. The author, after communication and approval by the Vice-Manager of the reference project and after verification of the actual need and necessity of the accesses requested by the Secretariat of Mondo Internazionale, is guaranteed the accesses necessary to carry out his/her activity within the Association.

9. The author assumes full civil and criminal responsibility for what has been written and published through the channels of the Mondo Internazionale Association.

10. The title of author is not attributable to any editorial and/or journalistic reference.


The progressive diffusion of new information technologies, and in particular the free access to the Internet from Personal Computers, exposes Mondo Internazionale to the risks of both patrimonial and criminal involvement, creating problems for the security and image of the Association itself.

Considering therefore that the use of computer and telematic resources of our Association must always be inspired by the principle of diligence and correctness, behaviors that are normally adopted in the context of a working relationship, Mondo Internazionale has adopted an internal regulation aimed at avoiding that unconscious behavior can trigger problems or threats to Security in the processing of personal data.

Article 48


1. The keeper of confidential keywords, for the performance of his functions, has the right at any time to access the data processed by everyone, including internal e-mail archives.

2. The keeper of the confidential keywords will be able to access the data and computer tools exclusively to allow the Association, the owner of the treatment, to access the data processed by each person in charge in the manner established by the Association itself, for the sole purpose of ensuring the operativity, the security of the system and the normal conduct of the association's activities.

3. It is necessary to change the password by the person in charge of the processing at the first use and, subsequently, at least every six months; in case of processing of sensitive and judicial data, the frequency of change must be reduced to three months (as provided for in point 5 of the technical specifications attached to the Privacy Code, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003) with simultaneous Communications to the Keeper of Keywords.

4. Passwords can be made up of letters (upper or lower case) and numbers, remembering that upper- and lower-case letters have different meanings for the system.

5. The password must be replaced immediately, notifying the Keeper of the Keywords, if it is suspected that the password has lost its secrecy.

6. Should the user become aware of another user's password, he or she must immediately inform the webmaster or the person in charge of the password.

Article 49


1. Network units are strictly professional information sharing areas and can in no way be used for other purposes. Therefore, any file that is not related to membership activity cannot be located, even for short periods, in these units. Regular control, administration and backup activities are carried out on these units.

2. Passwords entering the network and programs are secret and must be communicated and managed according to the given procedures. It is absolutely forbidden to enter the network and programs with other usernames.

3. The webmaster may at any time proceed with the removal of any file or application that he or she deems to be dangerous for security both on the PCs of those in charge and on the network units, informing the President in writing in advance.

4. A good rule of thumb is the periodic (at least every six months) cleaning of the archives, with deletion of obsolete or useless files. Particular attention must be paid to data duplication. In fact, redundant filing should be avoided at all costs.

5. Each user must pay the utmost attention to externally sourced content, warning the webmaster immediately if viruses are detected.

Article 50


1. The mailbox, assigned by the Association to the user, is a necessary working tool for the associative life. The persons assigned to the mailboxes are responsible for their correct use.

2. It is forbidden to use the e-mail boxes provided by Mondo Internazionale for sending personal messages or for participation in debates, forums or mail-lists unless expressly authorized otherwise.

3. Any form of registration to sites whose contents are not linked to the associative activity with the associative e-mail is forbidden.

4. It is a good idea to avoid messages that are completely unrelated to the working relationship or relations between colleagues. The mailbox must be kept in order by deleting unnecessary documents and especially bulky attachments.

5. Any Communications sent or received that has relevant content or contains contractual or pre-contractual commitments for the Mondo Internazionale must be reviewed or authorized by the Presidency, or in any way it is appropriate to refer to the procedures in place for ordinary correspondence.

6. The electronic documentation that constitutes a protected technical or administrative association "know how" for the company (protected according to art. 6 bis of r.d. 29.6.1939 n.1127), and which, therefore, is marked by indications or warnings to highlight its confidential or secret nature to protect the company's assets, cannot be communicated outside without prior authorization from the Presidency.

7. It is possible to use the acknowledgement of receipt to confirm that the message has been read by the recipient, but as a rule it is compulsory to use traditional instruments for official Communications after contacting the Presidency.

8. For the transmission of files within the Association you can use e-mail, paying attention to the size of the attachments.

9. It is mandatory to check email file attachments before using them (do not download executable files or documents from unknown websites or Ftps).

10. It is forbidden to send telematic chain e-mails. If you receive such messages, you must notify the Webmaster immediately. Under no circumstances should attachments of such messages be activated.


Article 51


1. The Mondo Internazionale Association, in order to be able to conduct its online activities, needs one or more servers where to place its website and all other platforms and applications that allow it to pursue its objectives in the best way.

2. The server is purchased by the Association according to its needs and in accordance with the planning of activities. It is purchased by the Association itself, without restrictions on its type (physical and virtual) or location.

3. Before the purchase of any package relating to the use of a server or the purchase of the same in physical form it is necessary to inform the entire Steering Committee, which must decide by simple majority on the matter.

4. The use of the server remains the responsibility of the Association. The Secretary General delegates the Webmaster with regard to the installation of software, the maintenance of the functionality of the website and the control of the optimal functioning of the entire computer structure within the same server.

5. All credentials for use and documents relating to any acquisitions must remain in the possession of the President of the Association as its legal representative and kept at the Association's registered office.

Article 52


1. In order to conduct its activities online, Mondo Internazionale Association has two websites:, dedicated to the activities of the Academy, Hub and G.E.O. divisions of Mondo Internazionale; and, dedicated to the activities of the Mondo Internazionale Post division. Both sites must be effective and innovative, always up-to-date thanks to all the platforms and applications that allow them to pursue their objectives in the best possible way.

2. Both sites are constantly updated by webmasters from within or outside the Association and by computer scientists hired to complete precise IT tasks.

3. Both sites are managed by the Communications and Editorial teams in accordance with the decisions of the Steering Committee and with the approval of the Secretary General.

4. The use of both sites remains the responsibility of the Association. The Secretary General delegates to the Webmaster the installation of software, the maintenance of the functionality of the websites and as well as the control of the optimal functioning of the whole IT structure.

5. All user credentials and documents relating to any acquisitions must remain in the possession of the President of the Association as legal representative of the same and kept at the registered office of the same.

6. The Association's website is published in Italian and English. All the Associations Mondo Internazionale-Nation use, unless otherwise indicated, the website Mondo Internazionale through the web page: "Where we are" which refers to the specific pages of each Association Mondo Internazionale-Nation.

Article 53


1. All documents of Mondo Internazionale are public and may be consulted at any time by submitting a formal request in writing to the President. Documentation" in this/her paragraph means all correspondence, agreements and documents relating to the activities of the Association.

2. The consultation by the Associates of the documentation relating to the activities of the Association is governed by these Regulations:

a. A request for viewing, to be submitted in writing, to the secretariat of the Association, which has the task of transmitting the request to the President of the Association within 24 hours.

b. Subsequently, the President has 48 hours to reply to the Member's question through the secretariat, which has the duty to inform the Member of the acceptance or refusal, also clarifying the reasons.

c. The President has 7 days (from the date of notification of acceptance of the request for viewing) in which to submit the requested documents or, if he cannot submit them personally, he may delegate the Vice-President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer and the Steering Director.

3. All documentation may not be handed over to other members of the Association or to third parties, nor may it be photographed or photocopied.

4. The Articles of Association, the Single Regulations, as well as the Financial Statements and the Books are public and published on the Mondo Internazionali website and are always available for consultation. Any other document, with the exception of the Association's development programs, considered strategic both for the evolution of the Association and for the uniqueness of its activities, are reserved only to the Steering Committee and the Presidency. In the latter case, the Steering Committee deciding by qualified majority with the approval of the President can present them and deliver them for the carrying out of the activities and the achievement of the objectives to other members.

5. Permission may be granted to access the confidential documents set forth in paragraph 4 of this/her article, subject only to the approval of the President, only if the request is made by the Legal consulting and/or the Director for External Relations and/or the Director of Strategic Planning of the Mondo Internazionale Association.

a. The request for access to confidential documents is considered only in written form, which must be submitted to the President of the Association, who will decide on the granting of authorization without the obligation to request the prior approval of the Steering Committee by qualified majority.

b. The authorization to access confidential documents is considered valid only with the explicit consent of the President of the Association by means of a clear and unequivocal signature affixed to the request submitted in writing by one or more of the positions described in this/her paragraph. The President has the right to reject such request.

c. The request submitted is usable for no more than access to the confidential documents requested. In case of need for further access to the documents afterwards, a new written request must be submitted to the President of the Association.

6. All Members are prohibited from handing over documents or communicating their contents to third parties not belonging to the Association.

7. All documents of the Association shall be delivered to the President in original copy and deposited at the registered office of the Association.

Article 54


1. The management of Mondo Internazionale's activities with third parties is attributed to a manager identified by the Steering Committee by a simple majority of those present.

2. The appointment lasts until the end of the activity with the third-party entity in question or until a different resolution is passed by the Steering Committee with the same voting method.

3. The formalization of the agreement is, in any case, signed by the President of the Association.


Article 55


1. The Steering Committee shall meet every two weeks to discuss

a. Resolutions for activities with third parties;

b. Updating the activities of the Steering Committee;

c. Resolves to accept the registration of new Members, published on the 15th and 30th of each month, unless otherwise indicated by the Steering Committee;

d. Any activity necessary to achieve the objectives set;

e. Deliberates on proposals for the appointment of internal offices within the Mondo Internazionale Association, submitted by the Secretary General for approval or rejection.

f. The Legal consulting and the Director of Communications are expected to attend all meetings of the Steering Committee, which have an advisory function and do not enjoy voting rights within the Committee. The Legal Advisor and the Director of Communication have the right to advise the Steering Committee in the performance of its functions and in the adoption of internal decisions, as well as to represent the Association with the President's authorization.

2. The Steering Committee shall meet with the Secretariat every two weeks to discuss

a. Activities of the Secretariat and coordination of work teams within the Association;

b. Administrative management of the Association;

c. Activities in collaboration with third parties and entering into agreements and/or partnerships with them;

d. Communication strategies of the Association;

e. The smooth running of the Secretariat and the adoption of decisions to regulate internal working arrangements;

f. Implementation of the decisions of the Steering Committee and the Assembly of the Members in the associative activities.

3. Joint decisions taken by the Steering Committee and the Secretariat must be taken by a qualified majority of the totality of the members composing the two respective bodies of the Association, here defined as "Steering Committee-Secretariat Formula".

4. Each member of the Steering Committee and the Secretariat shall have the right to cast a single vote for the decisions to be taken, with the possibility of abstention. If a member of the Steering Committee or of the Secretariat is unable to take part in the vote, he or she may delegate his/her or her vote to another member of the same body by written and formal proxy, who must in no way show any sign of falsification/equivocity for the purposes of validity.

Article 56


The Assembly is convened once every three months starting from the month of January 2019 in order to follow the activities of the Association by involving all members.

Article 57


1. Any of the Associates may request the President or the Vice-President, through a formal request where the reasons are indicated, to submit to the Treasurer the possibility to resort to a financing.

2. The President is obliged to submit the request to the Treasurer, after having examined it, within 5 days.

3. It is the Treasurer's job to maintain relations with the bank and negotiate its interests.

Article 58


1. The Treasurer must evaluate the possibility of requesting a loan following the verification of the impossibility of self-financing, if he decides to examine the proposal this must be subjected to analysis by the Board of Auditors. Once approved it is subjected to a vote by the Steering Committee which must approve it unanimously.

2. Within 10 days of the unanimous approval of the Steering Committee, the Treasurer must draw up a repayment plan for the loan, explaining the timing and purpose of the loan. The plan must then be examined by the Board of Auditors and finally again by the Steering Committee which must approve it unanimously.

3. From the formal request to the last approval, no more than 60 days must pass.

4. In the event of rejection of the request, there must be at least 90 days from the date of rejection to the date of a new formal request to the President.

5. In case of approval, the President authorizes the Treasurer to proceed with the request for funding.

Article 59


1. The maximum duration of a grant must be 36 months.

2. There is no minimum durability limit.


Article 60


It is strictly forbidden to impose mortgages for the financing of the members' movable and immovable property, whatever office they hold within the Association.

Article 61


1. All financing is eligible provided that it is issued by recognized financial companies or alternatively by institutional bodies.

2. Funding that does not reflect all the characteristics indicated and has not followed the entire approval process is not eligible.

3. It is the President's job to ensure that the procedure and characteristics are correct.

Article 62


The President, after consulting the Secretary General and the Treasurer, may request in cases of extreme urgency that a meeting of the three bodies entitled to vote on matters of financing be convened in order to hold a unanimous vote to request a necessary and urgent loan. The meeting must be convened within three days and at least 2/3 of those entitled to vote must be present in order to proceed with the vote.

Article 63


Liberal funding is discussed and approved by a majority of the Steering Committee.

The Scientific and Academic Committee

Article 64


1. The members of the Scientific and Academic Committee shall be appointed by the Steering Committee on a proposal from the Presidency. The term of office is unlimited in time. The Steering Committee, on a proposal from the Presidency, can withdraw the appointment at any time. The members of the Scientific and Academic Committee can resign at any time following written communication, e-mail or PEC to the Presidency.

2. Members have to prove to support the activities and goals of the Association and represent it, bringing their prominent experience academically and diplomatically, including the fields of defense and security.

3. The Scientific and Academic Committee is chaired by the President of Mondo Internazionale.

4. The members of the Scientific and Academic Committee are framed within the Association as Honorary Associates to Article 3 paragraph 7 (c), Statute of Mondo Internazionale. However, it is specified that the qualification of Honorary Associate does not give the right to be a member of the Scientific and Academic Committee.

5. The Scientific and Academic Committee advises the Presidency on the Association's strategies at national and international level and gives opinions on the scientific relevance of the work carried out by its associates.

Article 65


1. The Scientific and Academic committee shall meet at least once a year to carry out its activities. Meetings take place in attendance, or through one of the digital platforms used by Mondo Internazionale for the carrying out of the activities, or in a different place, prior agreement of the President of the Association.

2. Meetings shall be convened by the President of the Mondo Internazionale to discuss the agenda prepared with the assistance of the Secretariat of the Presidency, prior agreement with the latter. In the same way, meetings may be convened by the members of the Scientific and Academic Committee prior agreement with the President of the Association.

3. The notice of the meeting, stating the venue, day and hour of the meeting as well as the agenda, is sent by the President of Mondo Internazionale via e-mail or mail to the address specified by each recipient usually within five working days before the date of the meeting.

4. The Scientific and Academic Committee can also meet as follows:

a. Videoconferencing from the headquarters of Mondo Internazionale and/or places of residence or domicile of each member;

b. In special cases on devices or systems ensuring the level of confidentiality required for discussing the agenda and the confidentiality requirements related to the agenda itself, provided that each participant can be identified, can follow the discussion and intervene in real time. The meeting is considered to be held in the place in which the President of Mondo Internazionale is located.

5. Any documentation related to the agenda is made available in the section dedicated to the Scientific and Academic Committee on the shared drive with the domain or sent by e-mail to each member, so as to protect the confidentiality of the information contained within the documents. In addition to the regulatory obligations related to inside information, the members of the Scientific and Academic Committee are bound by the confidentiality of the data and information received in performing their duties.

6. In addition to the members of the Scientific and Academic Committee and the President of Mondo Internazionale, further members of the Association can also participate in the meetings of the Scientific and Academic Committee, prior authorization of the President of the Association, with reference to single agenda items.



1. Tutte le informazioni, le attività, e le strategie con cui ogni associato viene a contatto non sono divulgabili all’esterno e non ne è permessa la replica.

2. Tutte le nomine rilasciate prima dell’entrata in vigore del presente Regolamento Unico, sono da intendersi secondo quanto disciplinato dal presente a partire dal 4 settembre 2019.

3. Le cariche elette devono rispettare tutti i contenuti presenti nel presente Regolamento; esse sono disciplinate dal medesimo Regolamento e dalle nomine sottoscritte al momento dell’accettazione della carica stessa.

4. Ogni associato è tenuto al rispetto dello Statuto, del Regolamento e delle delibere degli organi assembleari previsti per lo svolgimento delle attività Associative.

5. Le violazioni dello Statuto, del Regolamento Unico e delle delibere degli organi assembleari dell’Associazione sono perseguite nelle sedi opportune.

6. Qualora un associato non possa svolgere le attività di sua competenza liberamente accettate secondo quanto previsto dal presente Regolamento Unico, è tenuto a identificare un suo sostituto e/o al completamento dell’attività al fine di non ostacolare le attività associative, salvo casi eccezionali identificati dal Comitato Direttivo.

7. In caso di danni causati all'Associazione per negligenza, divulgazione di informazioni a persone non autorizzate, dimissioni impreviste, tutto ciò che riguarda il danno fatto con colpa o dolo, il responsabile deve procedere alla riparazione del danno nel più breve tempo possibile. In caso di controversie si ritiene competente il Foro di Milano.

Articolo 94


1. Il Comitato Direttivo, al fine di prevenire la nascita di conflitti di interesse tra i membri dell’Associazione e l’Associazione stessa, può riservarsi la facoltà di valutare, ed eventualmente rigettare, la domanda di adesione ad un team amministrativo o operativo avanzata da un associato che risulti già iscritto presso altri enti e/o associazioni o che possa trovarsi in conflitto di interessi con l’Associazione.

2. Qualora il Comitato Direttivo ritenga in modo fondato e senza ombra di dubbio che l’associato richiedente possa trovarsi in una posizione di conflitto di interesse, il Comitato Direttivo delibera a maggioranza qualificata il rigetto della richiesta e comunica per iscritto il predetto rigetto motivato al richiedente entro 7 giorni dalla decisione.

3. Qualora l’associato, la cui richiesta è stata rigettata, ritenga che le motivazioni addotte non siano oggettive, lo stesso può presentare ricorso scritto al Collegio dei Probiviri entro 7 giorni dalla comunicazione a pena di decadenza.

4. In caso di tempestivo ricorso da parte dell’associato, il Comitato Direttivo ha l’onere di fornire al Collegio dei Probiviri tutta la documentazione utile e necessaria ai fini della successiva valutazione da parte di tale organo.

Articolo 95


1. Considerata la rilevanza ricoperta dai team amministrativi e operativi dell’Associazione nella pianificazione e realizzazione delle attività associative e considerata la sensibilità delle informazioni trattate dagli stessi team, il Comitato Direttivo può prevedere che il singolo associato possa far parte di un solo team in modo da garantire l’autonomia tra i team amministrativi e operativi dell’Associazione, nonché tra i team amministrativi e i team operativi stessi, e in modo da assicurare che il singolo associato svolga al meglio le proprie funzioni in seno al proprio team.

Articolo 96


1. In ragione dell’incarico ricoperto all’interno dell’Associazione, ciascun associato si assume la piena responsabilità durante lo svolgimento delle attività cui è preposto.

2. L’associato risponde civilmente dei potenziali danni da negligenza, inadempimento o violazione di norme interne o statutarie derivanti dallo svolgimento delle proprie mansioni o funzioni associative che arrechino pregiudizio all’Associazione.

3. Se l’associato agisce sotto il diretto controllo di altro associato posto in posizione gerarchicamente superiore al primo, tra i due si instaura un regime di responsabilità solidale con diritto di rivalsa.

4. In ogni caso, l’associato risponde personalmente della responsabilità penale per gli illeciti eventualmente commessi nello svolgimento delle proprie mansioni e funzioni associative.

Articolo 97


1. Oltre a quanto previsto dallo Statuto, l’Associazione può decidere di escludere uno dei propri associati qualora questi non rispetti la Normativa Interna e qualsiasi altro atto adottato dagli organi dell’Associazione, ovvero non rispetti le delibere assunte dagli organi competenti, svolga attività contrastanti con gli interessi dell'Associazione, la danneggi materialmente o moralmente, fomenti dissidi e disordini tra gli associati e non adempia agli obblighi assunti verso l'Associazione.

2. Ogni associato è tenuto a segnalare al Comitato Direttivo e al Segretario Generale eventuali comportamenti inefficienti o dannosi posti in essere da altri associati, qualora ne venga a conoscenza. A seguito della segnalazione, il Segretario Generale provvede ad effettuare un’attività istruttoria e a suggerire al Comitato Direttivo quali misure adottare qualora accerti l’esistenza di tali comportamenti inefficienti o dannosi. Tra le predette misure può essere ricompresa l’esclusione dell’associato e, qualora il Comitato Direttivo ritenga tale misura congrua al caso in esame, deve porre la questione all’Assemblea degli Associati.

Articolo 98


1. È possibile svolgere presso l’Associazione tirocini curriculari o attività sostitutive al tirocinio. Non si possono svolgere tirocini extracurriculari.

2. L’interessato deve presentare domanda (contenente nome e cognome dello studente interessato, data e luogo di nascita, residenza, università di appartenenza, durata del tirocinio, area tematica di interesse) al Team di Segreteria e Coordinamento dell’Associazione, allegando il curriculum vitae, una lettera motivazionale e il proprio documento di riconoscimento in corso di validità.

3. L’Associazione si riserva la possibilità di richiedere il certificato dei carichi pendenti e il certificato penale del soggetto interessato.

4. Sulle domande di tirocinio o attività sostitutive al tirocinio è competente il Comitato Direttivo. Qualora lo ritenga necessario, il Comitato Direttivo può delegare un soggetto tra i propri membri che si occupi di effettuare i controlli necessari e che decida sull’ammissibilità o meno della domanda di tirocinio o attività sostitutiva.

5. In caso di esito positivo, il Comitato Direttivo individua il tutor che accompagnerà tale soggetto durante lo svolgimento del tirocinio o attività sostitutiva e il tirocinante riceve per posta elettronica ordinaria tutte le informazioni necessarie per lo svolgimento del tirocinio o dell’attività sostitutiva e la data ufficiale di inizio dell’esperienza.

6. Prima di iniziare l’attività, il tutor e il tirocinante devono accordarsi sulle attività da svolgere durante il tirocinio o attività sostitutiva, la durata dello stesso e su quant’altro sia necessario per redigere il Progetto Formativo, che deve essere approvato dal Comitato Direttivo.

7. Il tirocinante è tenuto a rispettare la Normativa Interna dell’Associazione.

8. Il tirocinante non deve versare la quota associativa. Non ricoprendo la qualifica di associato, il tirocinante non può esercitare il diritto di voto durante l’Assemblea degli Associati né essere eletto alle cariche sociali.

9. Il Comitato Direttivo può decidere di risolvere il Progetto Formativo e revocare la qualifica di tirocinante qualora il tirocinante non osservi la Normativa Interna, nonché in qualsiasi altro atto adottato dagli organi dell’Associazione, ovvero non rispetti le delibere assunte dagli organi competenti, svolga attività contrastanti con gli interessi dell’Associazione, la danneggi materialmente o moralmente, fomenti dissidi e disordini tra gli associati e non adempia agli obblighi assunti verso l’Associazione.

10. Il tirocinante acconsente alla pubblicazione, all’utilizzo, alla riproduzione, alla diffusione da parte dell'Associazione e attraverso i canali di comunicazione ufficiali, i siti web, i social network e il blog dell’Associazione stessa e alla cessione ai partner dell’Associazione di fotografie, video o altri materiali audiovisivi realizzati durante le attività associative e che lo ritraggano. I materiali fotografici e audiovisivi raccolti dall'Associazione vengono utilizzati esclusivamente ai fini delle attività associative e della loro promozione attraverso i canali di comunicazione ufficiali, i siti web, i social network e il blog dell’Associazione. Il tirocinante può richiedere, in qualsiasi momento, l'eliminazione e la cancellazione dei materiali fotografici e audiovisivi in cui è ritratta la loro immagine resi pubblici dall'Associazione, inviando comunicazione scritta al Team di Consulenza Legale.

11. Una volta concluso il periodo di tirocinio, il tirocinante può scegliere di continuare a far parte dell’Associazione. In tal caso è tenuto a pagare la quota associativa, iniziando così a ricoprire la qualifica di associato.

Articolo 99


1. L’Associazione può avvalersi di uno o due Policy Advisor, che possono essere associati o non associati. Qualora il Policy Advisor sia associato, questi è nominato dal Comitato Direttivo, su proposta della Presidenza. Il Policy Advisor ha un mandato di 2 anni, rinnovabile previo consenso del Comitato Direttivo. In ogni caso, il mandato non può avere una durata inferiore a 3 mesi.

2. Nel contesto internazionale in cui opera l’Associazione, il Policy Advisor è identificato come “Policy Advisor”.

3. Il Policy Advisor svolge funzioni di supporto alla Presidenza e al Comitato Direttivo dell’Associazione per la definizione e il perseguimento degli interessi degli stakeholder dell’Associazione. In particolare, sotto la supervisione e il coordinamento da parte della Presidenza e del Comitato Direttivo, il Policy Advisor si occupa di:

a) Fornire pareri e raccomandazioni non vincolanti con riferimento ai processi decisionali interni al Comitato Direttivo e alla Presidenza, previa richiesta scritta da parte del Presidente;

b) Fornire pareri e raccomandazioni non vincolanti alla Presidenza e al Comitato Direttivo in merito alle relazioni, agli interessi e alle strategie comunicative che vengono tessute e sviluppate verso enti, stakeholders e partner dell’Associazione;

c) Elaborare policy recommendations a supporto delle attività dell’Associazione. Tali policy recommendations devono essere approvate in via ufficiale dal Comitato Direttivo e possono prevedere l’interazione e la negoziazione con enti esterni o partner di rilevanza strategica per le attività associative;

d) Redigere pareri, raccomandazioni e note a supporto delle attività di rappresentanza svolte dalla Presidenza, dal Comitato Direttivo, dal Presidente Onorario, dal Comitato Scientifico e Accademico e dal Comitato per lo Sviluppo e dal Direttore per le Relazioni Esterne e di Coordinamento delle Attività Internazionali;

e) Ricercare e definire strategie utili per lo sviluppo dell’Associazione all’interno degli ambiti in cui opera;

f) Ricercare referenze e contatti presso enti pubblici o privati con cui avviare partnership strategiche a sostegno dell’Associazione e dell’espansione nazionale e internazionale dell’Associazione.

4. Qualsiasi azione o attività svolta dal Policy Advisor non prevista dalle linee guida fornite dalla Presidenza o dal Comitato Direttivo si ritiene estranea alla personalità e all’operato dell’Associazione. Di conseguenza, tale azione o attività non può essere imputata all’Associazione né può esserne riconosciuta la responsabilità diretta o indiretta della stessa.

5. Qualora il Policy Advisor decida di dimettersi prima che siano decorsi i 2 anni dalla sua nomina, questi deve informare il Comitato Direttivo per iscritto almeno 60 giorni prima dalle effettive dimissioni, salvo diverso accordo.

6. Qualora il Comitato Direttivo lo ritenga necessario, lo stesso può revocare il Policy Advisor dalla propria carica, deliberando a maggioranza qualificata e motivando la decisione per iscritto. Tale delibera deve essere comunicata attraverso i canali di comunicazione ufficiali e diviene efficace a partire da 3 giorni dalla comunicazione.

Articolo 100


1. L’Associazione può avvalersi di uno Strategy Advisor, non associato alla stessa. Nel rispetto della Normativa Interna, lo Strategy Advisor svolge funzioni di rappresentanza e di supporto alle attività dell’Associazione.

2. Lo Strategy Advisor risponde del suo operato direttamente al Presidente, il quale informa successivamente la Presidenza e il Comitato Direttivo.

3. Durante lo svolgimento delle proprie funzioni, lo Strategy Advisor può negoziare per conto dell’Associazione eventuali accordi o partenariati, qualora gliene venga data facoltà dal Presidente tramite comunicazione formale e per iscritto. Si specifica che lo Strategy Advisor non può siglare, sottoscrivere o comunque ufficializzare accordi con enti terzi in quanto prerogativa che rimane in capo al Presidente.


Articolo 101


1. L’Assemblea degli Associati programma le attività di interesse per l’Associazione, delegando al Comitato Direttivo e al Segretariato la pianificazione e l’attuazione di tali attività.

2. L’Associazione si impegna a svolgere attività volte alla realizzazione dei propri obiettivi, espressi nello Statuto, e ad avviare attività ad alto impatto sociale nei settori dell’informazione, della formazione e della ricerca nell’ambito della diplomazia culturale.

3. Per lo svolgimento delle predette attività, l’Associazione ricorre ai team amministrativi e operativi. I team amministrativi sono i team i cui direttori fanno parte del Segretariato. I team operativi e i propri direttori rientrano nelle Divisioni dell’Associazione.

4. La struttura e l’organizzazione dell’Associazione non sono in alcun modo replicabili all’esterno dell’Associazione stessa. Nell’eventualità in cui uno o più associati violino tale disposizione, il Comitato Direttivo adotta ogni misura ritenuta necessaria nei confronti di tali associati, compresa la possibilità di deliberare in assemblea l’esclusione degli stessi dall’Associazione e di richiedere il risarcimento del danno.

Articolo 102


1. I documenti dell’Associazione si suddividono in quattro categorie con differente modalità di accesso:

a) Documenti segretissimi;

b) Documenti segreti;

c) Documenti riservati;

d) Documenti pubblici, accessibili sia agli associati sia a soggetti terzi e pubblicati sul sito

2. Tutti i documenti dell’Associazione devono essere trasmessi al Presidente in copia originale, cartacea o telematica, e devono essere depositati presso la sede legale dell’Associazione.

Articolo 103


1. Nei documenti segretissimi rientra tutta la documentazione inerente i programmi di sviluppo dell’Associazione e per tali documenti l’accesso è riservato al Comitato Direttivo e alla Presidenza. I documenti segretissimi sono considerati strategici sia per l’evoluzione dell’Associazione sia per l’unicità delle attività della stessa.

2. Gli associati possono chiedere di accedere ai documenti segretissimi solo qualora sia strettamente necessario per lo svolgimento delle attività e il raggiungimento degli obiettivi dell’Associazione. Per tale tipo di accesso, è necessaria l’autorizzazione da parte del Presidente e la delibera favorevole adottata a maggioranza qualificata da parte del Comitato Direttivo. Prima di concedere tale accesso, il Comitato Diretto può consultarsi con il Consulente Legale e il Direttore per le Relazioni Esterne e di Coordinamento delle Attività Internazionali.

3. L’associato interessato ad accedere ai documenti segretissimi deve presentare tale richiesta in forma scritta al Presidente, indicando in modo preciso per quali documenti segretissimi presenta la propria richiesta. Il Presidente procede a convocare il Comitato Direttivo. In caso di delibera favorevole, l’accesso è consentito per una sola volta e solo per i documenti indicati nella richiesta scritta. Qualora l’associato ritenga di dover accedere nuovamente a tali documenti, deve presentare una nuova richiesta.

4. L’associato a cui è stato concesso l’accesso non può in alcun modo divulgare agli altri associati o a soggetti terzi il contenuto dei documenti segretissimi né può in alcun modo copiare o scaricare tali documenti segretissimi.

Articolo 104


1. I documenti segreti sono i documenti dell’Associazione accessibili agli associati in ragione della carica o della posizione ricoperta all’interno dell’Associazione. Gli associati del team di riferimento possono consultare tali documenti in qualsiasi momento, presentando una richiesta in forma scritta al Team di Segreteria e Coordinamento qualora necessario.

2. L’associato non può in alcun modo divulgare agli associati che non fanno parte del proprio team né ai terzi il contenuto dei documenti segreti né può in alcun modo copiare o scaricare tali documenti segreti.

Articolo 105


1. I documenti riservati sono tutti i documenti dell’Associazione accessibili agli associati, ma non ai terzi. Gli associati possono consultare tali documenti in qualsiasi momento, presentando una richiesta in forma scritta al Team di Segreteria e Coordinamento qualora necessario.

2. Una volta ricevuta la predetta richiesta, il Team di Segreteria e Coordinamento può richiedere l’ausilio del Presidente, del Vice-Presidente, del Segretario Generale o del Vice-Segretario Generale. In caso di rigetto della richiesta di accesso, tale rigetto deve essere motivato.

3. L’associato non può in alcun modo divulgare ai terzi il contenuto dei documenti riservati né può in alcun modo copiare o scaricare tali documenti riservati.

Articolo 106


1. Gli associati hanno diritto di accesso a tutti gli strumenti utili per il corretto svolgimento delle attività associative. In particolare, quando necessario e in ragione della propria funzione in seno all’Associazione, previa autorizzazione del Presidente, ciascun associato ha diritto di accedere a:

a) Tutti i documenti inerenti alla specifica carica ricoperta all’interno dell’Associazione;

b) I beni mobili e immobili dell’Associazione;

c) Sede legale e sedi operative dell’Associazione.

2. Per l’accesso di tipo informatico ai software, ai documenti e ai beni dell’Associazione, in ragione della propria funzione in seno all’Associazione e previa autorizzazione del Presidente, l’associato può avere l’accesso in modalità super-admin, in modalità admin oppure in modalità membro.

3. Solamente il Comitato Direttivo e il Tesoriere possono accedere al conto bancario e alle cassette di sicurezza dell’Associazione.

Articolo 107


1. I marchi e i loghi dell’Associazione sono:


2. Tali marchi e loghi sono tutelati in Italia e all’estero. Qualunque uso dei marchi e dei loghi dell’Associazione da parte degli associati deve essere autorizzato dal Segretario Generale. L’associato deve riprodurre fedelmente i marchi e i loghi nei caratteri e nei colori sopra riportati.

3. Vi sono ulteriori marchi e loghi per ogni Divisione dell’Associazione.

4. Nel caso delle associazioni “Mondo Internazionale-Nazione”, laddove possibile il logo sopra riportato prevede l’aggiunta della nazione di riferimento.

Articolo 108


1. È possibile che per lo svolgimento delle attività associative gli associati effettuino delle trasferte. In caso di trasferta, è necessaria l’approvazione da parte del Presidente, previa consultazione del Segretario Generale e del Tesoriere.

2. Le trasferte per la rappresentanza dell’Associazione vengono generalmente effettuate dal Presidente o, in sua vece, dal Vice-Presidente. Tali trasferte vengono effettuate allo scopo di:

a) Rappresentare l’Associazione;

b) Accordarsi, sottoscrivere o discutere accordi di collaborazione in essere o per il futuro;

c) Accordarsi per l’apertura di nuove sedi dell’Associazione;

d) Qualora necessario, anche su richiesta di un ente terzo, rappresentare l’Associazione ad eventi o dibattiti.

3. Le trasferte necessarie per l’organizzazione e la realizzazione dei progetti dell’Associazione, per la loro presentazione e per la realizzazione in genere delle attività associative vengono effettuate dai singoli associati in ragione della carica ricoperta all’interno dell’Associazione. Generalmente tali trasferte sono effettuate dal Segretario Generale o dal Direttore per le Relazioni Esterne e di Coordinamento delle Attività Internazionali.

4. In caso di trasferte, si utilizzano biglietti di 2a classe in treno, biglietti di classe economica in aereo, alberghi di categoria superiore a 2 stelle e inferiore a 5 stelle, rimborsi a piè di lista per pasti e consumazioni.

5. Il rimborso per i soggiorni è ricompreso per un ammontare giornaliero non superiore a € 100,00. Il rimborso per il pranzo e la cena è ricompreso rispettivamente per un ammontare non superiore a € 20,00.

6. In caso di trasferte al di fuori dell’Unione Europea il Presidente, dopo aver consultato il Segretario Generale e il Tesoriere, può decidere di aumentare e/o ridurre (una volta valutato il cambio valuta e i costi necessari alla trasferta) l’ammontare massimo di soggiorno e consumazioni del 20%.

7. Qualora l’associato vada in trasferta usando la propria auto, è possibile richiedere un rimborso per i chilometri di viaggio. Previa autorizzazione del Comitato Direttivo e previa consultazione del Tesoriere, le tariffe per il rimborso chilometrico sono calcolate in base alle tabelle ACI (secondo l’ultimo aggiornamento disponibile e pubblicate in Gazzetta Ufficiale) e per il calcolo si considera come luogo di partenza il domicilio dell’associato. Il rimborso chilometrico non è comprensivo di pedaggio autostradale, per il quale deve essere presentata la ricevuta di pagamento.

8. Entro 20 giorni dal rientro dalla trasferta, l’associato interessato deve richiedere il rimborso al Tesoriere per posta elettronica ordinaria, allegando il modulo per il rimborso spese e la ricevuta di pagamento in copia originale.

9. Ad eccezione dei casi straordinari, tutti i rimborsi sono emessi entro 70 giorni dalla data di presentazione del modulo e sono effettuati tramite bonifico bancario.

10. Il Comitato Direttivo, previa consultazione del Tesoriere, può deliberare un rimborso anticipato per gli associati in trasferta in casi straordinari. I casi straordinari ricorrono quando la trasferta organizzata dall’Associazione per lo svolgimento delle attività associative è alquanto dispendiosa per l’associato ed è stata disposta con poco preavviso.

11. Qualora l’associato in trasferta sia costretto da cause di forza maggiore a soggiornare nel luogo in cui ha effettuato la trasferta, è ammesso il rimborso del soggiorno, seppur non autorizzato in fase di approvazione della trasferta, se tale causa di forza maggiore sia comprovata.

12. Il rimborso non è ammesso nei seguenti casi:

a) Qualora il soggiorno o l’intera trasferta non siano stati previamente autorizzati dal Presidente, previa consultazione del Segretario Generale e del Tesoriere;

b) Qualora manchi o sia lacunosa la documentazione che comprovi i costi sostenuti da rimborsare;

c) Qualora la richiesta di rimborso sia presentata al Tesoriere dopo che sono decorsi 20 giorni dal rientro dalla trasferta.


Articolo 109


1. Le unità di rete dell’Associazione sono aree di condivisione di informazioni strettamente professionali e non possono in alcun modo essere utilizzate per scopi diversi da quelli dell’Associazione. È vietato utilizzare le unità di rete dell’Associazione per scopi personali. Le unità di rete sono soggette a regolari attività di controllo, amministrazione e backup.

2. Le password d’ingresso alla rete e ai programmi sono segrete e vanno comunicate e gestite secondo le procedure impartite. È assolutamente proibito entrare nella rete e nei programmi con altri nomi utente.

3. Il Webmaster può in qualunque momento procedere alla rimozione di ogni file o applicazione che ritenga essere pericolosi per la sicurezza sia sui computer degli incaricati sia sulle unità di rete, informando preventivamente il Presidente in forma scritta.

4. Gli associati sono tenuti ad effettuare una periodica pulizia degli archivi (almeno ogni 6 mesi), cancellando i file obsoleti o inutili. Particolare attenzione deve essere prestata alla duplicazione dei dati. Deve assolutamente evitarsi un’archiviazione ridondante.

5. Ogni utente deve prestare la massima attenzione ai contenuti di origine esterna, avvertendo immediatamente il Webmaster nel caso in cui vengano rilevati dei virus o altre anomalie.

Articolo 110


1. L’Associazione, al fine di poter condurre le proprie attività online, necessita di uno o più server ove collocare il proprio sito web e tutte le altre piattaforme e applicativi che le permettono di perseguire i propri obiettivi nel migliore dei modi.

2. Il server viene acquistato dall’Associazione secondo le proprie necessità e in accordo con la pianificazione delle attività. Esso viene acquistato dall’Associazione stessa, senza restrizioni sulla tipologia, che può essere fisica o virtuale, né sulla locazione.

3. Prima dell’acquisto di qualsiasi pacchetto relativo all’utilizzo di un server o l’acquisto dello stesso in forma fisica è necessario informare il Comitato Direttivo che deve deliberare a maggioranza semplice in merito.

4. L’utilizzo del server rimane responsabilità dell’Associazione. Il Segretario Generale delega il Webmaster per quanto riguarda l’installazione di software, il mantenimento delle funzionalità dei siti web e e il controllo dell’ottimo funzionamento dell’intera struttura informatica all’interno del server stesso.

5. Tutte le credenziali di utilizzo e i documenti relativi alle eventuali acquisizioni devono rimanere in possesso del Presidente dell’Associazione, in quanto rappresentante legale della stessa, e devono essere conservati presso la sede legale dell’Associazione.

Articolo 111


1. L’Associazione, al fine di poter condurre le proprie attività online, dispone di due siti web:

a), dedicato alle attività delle divisioni Geostrategic Earth Observations, Hub e Academy dell’Associazione;

b), dedicato alle attività della divisione Post dell’Associazione.

2. Entrambi i siti web devono essere efficaci e innovativi, sempre aggiornati grazie a tutte le piattaforme e applicativi che permettono di perseguire i propri obiettivi nel migliore dei modi.

3. Entrambi i siti web vengono costantemente aggiornati da parte del Webmaster ed informatici ingaggiati per il completamento di precise attività informatiche.

4. Entrambi i siti web vengono gestiti dal Team Marketing e Comunicazione secondo le delibere del Comitato Direttivo e previa approvazione del Segretario Generale.

5. L’utilizzo di entrambi i siti web rientra nella responsabilità dell’Associazione. Il Segretario Generale delega il Webmaster per quanto riguarda l’installazione di software, il mantenimento delle funzionalità del sito web e, così come il controllo dell’ottimo funzionamento dell’intera struttura informatica.

6. Tutte le credenziali di utilizzo e i documenti relativi alle eventuali acquisizioni devono rimanere in possesso del Presidente dell’Associazione, in quanto rappresentante legale della stessa, e devono essere conservati presso la sede legale dell’Associazione.

7. Entrambi i siti web dell’Associazione sono pubblicati in lingua italiana e in lingua inglese. Tutte le associazioni “Mondo Internazionale-Nazione” utilizzano, salvo diversa indicazione, il sito web tramite la pagina apposita “Nel mondo”, che rimanda alle pagine web appositamente dedicate ad ogni associazione “Mondo Internazionale-Nazione”.

Articolo 112


1. La casella di posta elettronica assegnata agli associati è uno strumento di lavoro necessario per lo svolgimento delle attività in seno all’Associazione. Gli associati sono responsabili del corretto utilizzo della posta elettronica loro assegnata.

2. È fatto divieto di utilizzo della casella di posta elettronica fornita dall’Associazione per l’invio di messaggi personali o per la partecipazione a dibattiti, forum o mail-list, salvo diversa ed esplicita autorizzazione.

3. La casella di posta deve essere mantenuta in ordine, cancellando documenti inutili e allegati ingombranti.

4. Ogni comunicazione in entrata o in uscita che abbia contenuti rilevanti o contenga impegni contrattuali o precontrattuali per l’Associazione deve essere visionata o autorizzata dalla Presidenza o, in ogni caso, è opportuno fare riferimento alle procedure interne ai propri team per la corrispondenza ordinaria.

5. La documentazione elettronica che costituisce per l’azienda know-how associativo, tecnico o amministrativo protetto, e che, quindi, viene contraddistinta da diciture o avvertenze dirette ad evidenziarne il carattere riservato o segreto a tutela del patrimonio dell’Associazione, necessita della preventiva autorizzazione da parte del Presidente prima di essere trasmessa all’esterno dell’Associazione.

6. È obbligatorio controllare i file e i documenti allegati alla corrispondenza della posta elettronica prima del loro utilizzo. Non si deve eseguire il download di file eseguibili o di documenti provenienti da siti web o .ftp non conosciuti.

7. È vietato inviare catene telematiche. Qualora si ricevano messaggi di tale tipo, è necessario comunicarlo immediatamente al Webmaster. Non si devono in alcun caso attivare gli allegati di tali messaggi.

Articolo 113


1. Per l’espletamento delle proprie funzioni, il custode delle parole chiave riservate può accedere in qualunque momento ai dati trattati dai soggetti di cui al Registro delle Attività per il Trattamento dei Dati Personali, ivi compresi gli archivi di posta elettronica interna.

2. Il custode delle parole chiave riservate potrà accedere ai dati ed agli strumenti informatici esclusivamente per permettere alla stessa Associazione, titolare del trattamento, di accedere ai dati trattati da ogni incaricato con le modalità fissate dalla stessa Associazione, al solo fine di garantire l’operatività, la sicurezza del sistema ed il normale svolgimento dell’attività associativa.

3. È necessario procedere alla modifica della password a cura dell’incaricato del trattamento al primo utilizzo e, successivamente, almeno ogni 6 mesi. Nel caso di trattamento di dati sensibili e di dati giudiziari la periodicità della variazione deve essere ridotta a 3 mesi con contestuale comunicazione al custode delle parole chiave.

4. Le password possono essere formate da lettere (maiuscole o minuscole) e numeri. Si ricorda che lettere maiuscole e minuscole hanno significati diversi per il sistema.

5. La password deve essere immediatamente sostituita, dandone comunicazione al custode delle parole chiave riservate, nel caso si sospetti che la stessa abbia perso la segretezza.

6. Qualora l’utente venisse a conoscenza delle password di altro utente, è tenuto a darne immediata notizia al Webmaster o all’incaricato che ne faccia le veci.


Articolo 114


1. Ciascun associato può chiedere al Presidente o al Vice-Presidente, con richiesta formale motivata, di sottoporre al Tesoriere la possibilità di ricorrere ad un finanziamento. Entro 5 giorni dalla ricezione, il Presidente è tenuto ad esaminare la predetta richiesta e a trasmetterla al Tesoriere.

2. Qualora la richiesta dell’associato possa essere accolta, ma l’Associazione non disponga dei fondi necessari per effettuare un autofinanziamento, il Tesoriere può valutare di presentare una richiesta di finanziamento. Tale richiesta deve essere preventivamente approvata all’unanimità dall’Organo di Controllo e, successivamente, dal Comitato Direttivo e, a tal fine, il Tesoriere provvede a predisporre un dettagliato piano di rientro del finanziamento da sottoporre all’Organo di Controllo e al Comitato Direttivo congiuntamente alla richiesta di finanziamento. In caso di delibera favorevole, il Tesoriere può rivolersi a un istituto di credito per richiedere il finanziamento.

3. Tra la richiesta formale e l’approvazione finale non devono trascorrere più di 60 giorni.

4. Il Presidente, in via del tutto eccezionale, se l’entità del finanziamento non supera la somma di € 1.000,00 e il piano di rientro del finanziamento non prevede una durata superiore a 12 mesi, può optare per una semplificazione della procedura sopra esposta. In tale ipotesi, è sufficiente la delibera favorevole, adottata all’unanimità, da parte del Comitato Direttivo.

5. Qualora il Presidente e il Tesoriere decidano di comune accordo che la richiesta di finanziamento non sia adeguata, una successiva richiesta avente il medesimo oggetto può essere ripresentata solo dopo che siano trascorsi almeno 90 giorni dal rigetto.

Articolo 115


1. In casi di assoluta e comprovata urgenza e previa consultazione con il Segretario Generale e con il Tesoriere, entro i 3 giorni successivi il Presidente può convocare una riunione con i membri del Comitato Direttivo e i membri dell’Organo di Controllo per valutare la necessità di ricorrere ad un finanziamento.

2. La predetta riunione si ritiene regolarmente costituita quando siano presenti almeno i 2/3 degli aventi diritto di voto. Per l’approvazione della richiesta di finanziamento, è necessaria l’unanimità dei voti dei presenti.

Articolo 116


1. Sono ammissibili tutti i finanziamenti emessi da banche, istituti di credito e società finanziarie riconosciute o, in alternativa, da enti istituzionali. Sono ammissibili solo i finanziamenti che prevedano un piano di rientro fino ad un massimo di 36 mesi. Non sono previsti limiti minimi di durata.

2. Non sono ammissibili finanziamenti che non rispettino tutte le caratteristiche indicate e che non abbiano seguito il procedimento di approvazione indicato nel presente Regolamento.

3. Il Presidente deve accertarsi che le caratteristiche sopra esposte e il procedimento di approvazione siano pienamente rispettati.

Articolo 117


1. In nessun caso e per nessuna ragione, gli associati devono o possono garantire un finanziamento richiesto a nome dell’Associazione con pegno o ipoteca sui propri beni mobili e/o immobili.

Articolo 118


1. La possibilità di ricorrere ai contributi liberali è discussa e approvata a maggioranza semplice del Comitato Direttivo.


Articolo 119


1. Per ogni eventuale controversia è competente il Foro di Milano.

Articolo 120


1. Il presente Regolamento entra in vigore congiuntamente allo Statuto dell’Associazione.

2. Tutte le nomine rilasciate prima dell’entrata in vigore del presente Regolamento vengono riadeguate secondo lo Statuto e il presente Regolamento entro 2 mesi dall’entrata in vigore degli stessi.

3. Gli associati nominati ciascuno per la propria carica devono rispettare tutti i contenuti presenti nel Regolamento Interno. Ogni carica è disciplinata dal Regolamento Interno e dalle nomine sottoscritte al momento dell’accettazione della carica.

4. Ogni associato è tenuto al rispetto della Normativa Interna e delle delibere degli organi assembleari previsti per lo svolgimento delle attività associative.

5. La violazione della Normativa Interna e delle delibere degli organi assembleari dell’Associazione verrà perseguita nelle sedi opportune.

6. Qualora un associato non possa svolgere le attività di sua competenza liberamente accettate secondo quanto previsto dal presente Regolamento, egli è tenuto a identificare un suo sostituto al fine del completamento dell’attività per non ostacolare le attività associative, salvo casi eccezionali identificati dal Comitato Direttivo.

Ultimo aggiornamento in data 4 January 2023